Why Apple should end it's fight against jailbreakers

Why Apple should end it's fight against jailbreakers


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May 27, 2010
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Colin Gibbs who writes for the Giga Om Network has written up a nice article about a recent Apple patent application to identify the “hacking, jailbreaking, unlocking or removal of a SIM card” from a phone so the device can be located and its data erased.

This is aimed squarely at the people who are modifying/hacking their devices and giving themselves the ability to install apps not seen in the app store and other benefits.

The question is, should Apple really be focused on this? Apple has a sterling reputation, and with the exception of the recent iPhone 4 Antennae issue they've handled every mis-step in a great fashion.

This however could potentially expose them to some really nasty feelings from users who have their devices "bricked" remotely. Imagine plunking down your hard earned cash for an iPhone 4 or an iPad and hacking it as you see fit only to see Apple render the device useless from afar.

I can't imagine I'd feel to good about that. I own the device, I should be able to use it as I please... at least, that's my opinion.

What are your thoughts on the matter? Please let us know as a reply to this post.

Full Article: Why Apple Should End Its Fight Against iPhone Jailbreaking
I agree with you here. If Apple really wants to protect (read: "inhibit") their devices, they should do a better job of securing the software to begin with. Also, I believe it would be unsafe for them to remotely brick a device, and I mean on two different fronts: One, If someone is in an accident and can't call for help because Apple just remotely bricked their device.. Imagine the lawsuits. Two, I know there are plenty of less-than-sane people out there that would do something drastic if Apple killed their precious iPhone. I remember this discussion on an Android forum, and someone mentioned something to the effect of "if its worth it to Big Red (or whichever carrier it was) to destroy my property, then it's worth it to me to destroy theirs, and there are like three in my zip code." Apple HAS to know that this is a real possibility, because we all know people are crazy.
I agree with this as well. However, even though the technology is clearly possible (ip4 prototype), it doesnt mean apple will use it. There have been many cases where a patent was issued and the product was never released. Not saying they wont impliment it, just saying i think they are a little smarter than that. However, in the unfortunate circumstances, that apple does impliment it, you can pretty much be assured that it wont last more than a week in the hacker world.

Shoot, i would even think that such times would persuade ole geohot and his reverse engineering self to come back into the picture.
i totally agree , Apple shouldn't be able to brick something we've paid for and belong's to us ...NOT APPLE...they need to do a better job of keeping it from being broken if they are that concerned.....i was close to going EVO 4 and would if Apple starts messing with property thats does not belong to them.
If Apple wipes someones device for jailbreaking it, they will be sued. I can do whatever I want with My Personal property. This software can detect jailbroken phones, but not to wipe them, just to keep track of Modded phones. I will bet the farm that Apple will not wipe someones Personal iDevice! They aren't that stupid. The Supreme Court ruled Modding Legal, therefore, Apple would face Litigation for such an act.[size=+3]They can, however,deny a warranty.[/size]
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This is my take on it. Apple has every right to refuse warranty.. I would be willing to bet a good 25% or returns are on phones that have been jailbroken and the user can't get it back up running. Yes, it is your phone but apple makes the rules on their warranty... If they need a way to distinguish you voided it....well that's fair because you know you voided it in the first place.
This is my take on it. Apple has every right to refuse warranty.. I would be willing to bet a good 25% or returns are on phones that have been jailbroken and the user can't get it back up running. Yes, it is your phone but apple makes the rules on their warranty... If they need a way to distinguish you voided it....well that's fair because you know you voided it in the first place.

Totally agree
it would be the same thing as a car manufacturer saying here, buy this car but dont do anything to it, if you do anything to it that didnt come on it, we will disable it and you won't be able to drive the car. How practical is that? This is how the aftermarket industry works, they come up with the things that make it better. In this case, make it more customizable and faster by jailbraking. Power hungry JOBS can't control everything apple and he doesnt like it, so he is trying to create a loop hole to get back at all the adoring fans of his products, one phone at a time!
it would be the same thing as a car manufacturer saying here, buy this car but dont do anything to it, if you do anything to it that didnt come on it, we will disable it and you won't be able to drive the car. How practical is that? This is how the aftermarket industry works, they come up with the things that make it better. In this case, make it more customizable and faster by jailbraking. Power hungry JOBS can't control everything apple and he doesnt like it, so he is trying to create a loop hole to get back at all the adoring fans of his products, one phone at a time!

I don't think we have too worry about that.... If it's legal to jailbreak at your own risk. Legally apple can't remotely disable a device for that reason.
well said. apple should allow any app and allow bluetooth send/receive, but it seems apple will never allow it officially even though it is legal they dont care they wont make it easy. and they have their reasons but mostly when apple dont want something it turns out to be good they did not. like the 3g iphone getting i0s4 that was a mistake.... i upgraded my brothers phone to 4.0 then 4.0.2 it lags so badly i wish i never upgraded it...

but i am all for freedom of our phones and think apple should provide software already jailbroken so to say with the ability to put on cydia from itunes and backup your legit downloads from there or rock as long as its not cracked apps what harm is it doing any one that customise their phones or like to ssh and change ringtones easier and some of the other sweet apps that come from jailbreak and games even. and we ca see from previous versions that the devices can handle it. its just some lie apple make up so you want to upgrade because my iphone 2007 had winterboard it had everything up to the latest firmware they made for it form cydia and some from rock and it was FINE mms it couldent do animated wallpapers so well but it could do still ones very well lol.

so apple get over it!!! you have LOST!!!! stop playing cat and mouse when the mouse got away!!!!!! tom you will never catch JERRY lmao

i bought some products from apple over the summer and in the email they send asking to fill out a forum i always mentioned the whole jailbreak thing even sent steve a email about it. both of which will probably get ignored :D

but any way

it would be the same thing as a car manufacturer saying here, buy this car but dont do anything to it, if you do anything to it that didnt come on it, we will disable it and you won't be able to drive the car. How practical is that? This is how the aftermarket industry works, they come up with the things that make it better. In this case, make it more customizable and faster by jailbraking. Power hungry JOBS can't control everything apple and he doesnt like it, so he is trying to create a loop hole to get back at all the adoring fans of his products, one phone at a time!

I don't think we have too worry about that.... If it's legal to jailbreak at your own risk. Legally apple can't remotely disable a device for that reason.

there is no risk though... only in the days of 2007 iphone where ppl used that Zibri piece of crap ziphone that bricked every ones phone
Yes Apple has the right to void warranty but deleting data of users who jailbroke their iPhone sounds crazy to me
Yes Apple has the right to void warranty but deleting data of users who jailbroke their iPhone sounds crazy to me

yes they do but like hell can they delete our data... watch ppls reaction. why they are fighting so hard to restrict the phone so much

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