Why Not Call It iPhone 4 Jailbreak Forum?

Why Not Call It iPhone 4 Jailbreak Forum?


New Member
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Jun 27, 2010
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It is sad that this forum started out really good but now seems to be that most things here are for jailbreaking. It would have been nice to keep all jailbreaking in its own section. As it is now I see something that looks look it could be a help or a good feature but can only use on jailbroken phones. I am really sorry to see that it come to this.
I don't think it's the forums fault. At the end of the day it's the users that ultimately make the forum. The guys that run this place seem to do a good job and already in the past month since I've been here you quickly learn who the guys are that know what they are talking about. There seems to be a decent core to the site. I'm assuming that when the forum started the iPhone 4 hadn't even been released yet so to begin with it would of just been a bunch of people all talking about how excited they were about getting the new phone... Now the phones out obviously things are going to naturally move on.

I also think that people perhaps need to learn the right section to put their threads in. There's an iPhone 4 hacking section, so why not put your jailbreak related post in there? People are just too lazy and stick things where ever they want.

I'm fed up of seeing the same questions being asked over and over again. Does no one bother to search the forum first? Obviously not as multiple threads get made all the time covering the same old stuff.
its not a jailbreak forum, it just happens that most good apps to talk about come from jb. but there are various info and tips for non jb things. it just happens to be a topic ppl would rather talk about admin cant help that. and also notice the tone of app store apps games reviews and other topic. of course every threat will be about hacking in the hacking section and spill into the help part.
I agree that it is becoming confusing and we are looking at it. One problem is many users post in wrong sections and we have to move threads around. As it's summer in USA a few admin staff are on leave so give us a bit of time to sort it out. The forum has grown a lot in past month and many users are added every day.

Hang in there guys.

Col.Bris super moderator

Ps if you see posts in wrong sections or duplicates send a message to me I am 18 hours ahead of west coast USA and often can deal with issues when you all are asleep lol
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