wifi problem

wifi problem


New Member
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Apr 25, 2011
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hello there...
i have an iphone 4 ...bb 2.10 which is jailbroken...i m still waiting for the unlock...but thats not the problm...i m using iphone to access internet n download applications using wifi...i had to change the modem due to some reason..the new modem was installed with previous settings ...after i changed the wifi modem i had done reset network setting under setting>general>reset>network reset..i tried to connect iphone via wifi...it gets connected but i am unable to access internet ( it says unable to connect to internet)... my laptop is working fine(i can use internet on it using wifi (this means modem is fine; problem is with the phone)...please help me out so that i can access internet again using my iphone...
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If u are sure that the settings are correct, try to soft reset or reboot your phone.
Try to open google or msn or yahoo page to see if it will load the page or not. If it doesn't load, delete the conection and set a new connection again and reboot and try again.

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If u are sure that the settings are correct, try to soft reset or reboot your phone.
Try to open google or msn or yahoo page to see if it will load the page or not. If it doesn't load, delete the conection and set a new connection again and reboot and try again.

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thanks for the quick reply...i tried rebooting it...but didn't reset it (i fear that might affect the jailbreak) actually i read in many forums that the phone hangs or becomes brick if u reset the jail-broke device...correct me if i m wrong...should i go for reset n if yes then how to reset it (i mean from the reset settings or by pressing sleep n home buttun for 7 secs)
.plz advise..
Yes you are wrong about the reset, pressing power button + home button will not affect in anyway your jailbreak. I do it from time to time when i install a cydia app which causig troubles on my device. Well there is no fear for that, but if you don't want do that, the delete the wifi connection you have on your phone and setup a new wifi connection again.

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