We all love our social networks on our iPhone, iPod Touch and/or iPad. Most folks out the have Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Snapchat, Instagram... the list goes on and on. Those of you out there might be getting a little overwhelmed with all of the information that is coming at you all at once, so why not simplify the way you communicate to friends and family.
The Yo app is perfect if you need a break from all of the chaos. Simply add your friends by inviting them to the app or typing out their username, and Yo will only give you one option to choose from, "Yo!".
That's right, the Yo app allows users to tap on a friends name and send them a notification that just simply blurts out the word "Yo". Who needs all of those crummy atmarks and hashtags, when you can simply send a "Yo!". The app has been around for a few months and has hipsters around the net raving about it.
Today Life Before Us, the folks responsible for the app, have made a change. In Yo Version 1.1.0, users can choose to show their real names along with a photo. Make a simple app a bit more complex, copying a link to the clipboard, users can now also attach a link to their Yo. Quite genius and simple actually, might be the perfect way to say to your friend "Yo! Check out this cat video".
Yo gave websites a little help getting their content out as well. In 1.1.0, users can subscribe to other users and websites, allowing them to receive a Yo when new content is available.
If that's not enough, Yo brought hashtags into play, allowing your favorite #YOLO and #YOLOSWAG and whatever else you can think that would most likely end up on /r/im14andthisisfunny.
We think Yo has turned a simple application, that was a bit of a joke, to something more serious, a way for folks to send qwerky push notifications with useful or pointless information.
The Yo app and the latest 1.1.0 update can now be downloaded from the App Store for free.