iPhone and Apple News

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iPhone and Apple News

Stay up-to-date with the latest iPhone news, rumors, and accessory updates. Dive into discussions about upcoming Apple releases, industry trends, and all things iPhone-related, plus general Apple news from around the tech world.

⚠️ Only Moderators and Administrators may post new topics in the news section.

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📰 Apple CFO Stepping Down; Successor Named

Today Apple announced that Chief Financial Officer Luca Maestri will be stepping down from his position on December 31st, 2024. Maestri will be succeeded by Apple Vice President of Financial Planning and Analysis, Kevan Parekh. Maestri is not leaving Apple, instead transitioning to the leader of the Apple Corporate Services team. This specialized team includes information systems and technology, information security, and real estate development.

Luca Maestri took on the...

📰 2023 Amazon Prime Day Deals!


With numerous Amazon Prime deals anticipated in the coming days, I thought it would be beneficial to start a thread where we can discuss and share potential deals that may interest our community. Let's keep each other posted!


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