I googled it and I do not believe she will get reports of any blocked sites you went too. But if she has controls set up with AT&T chances are you won't be able to go to any bad pages. So not sure if you are trying to or not . I do not have at & t nor do we have parental controls set up with our carrier so I'm not sure how strict or good they are. I think if you go to a porn page it will just block you. No reports now don't blame me or be mad if you try it and I am wrong. She may be able to track you though any where you go with gps on your phone but I'd be careful turning your phone off to try and deceive her all men know a woman is much wiser than men. Yes I am a woman
also if you have a home computer she can also install something called key logger. I think. I don't have it on ours but I have heard woman using it to find out what their husbands are up to and she will get reports on every word you type I think in chat email searches probably Facebook. To me that's extream and would not want to know that much detail but some do and if she puts it on I don't think you'd know. Again not sure how it works so just try to be faithful and not try to trick her. Just my opinion