3GS APN Battery. Please help?!?

3GS APN Battery. Please help?!?


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Dec 11, 2012
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Hello everyone. I have an iPhone 3GS 8GB NEW Bootrom with iOS 6.0.1 Jailbroken. I really need to change my iPhone's battery pack because it's 2 year and half old .. My battery is exhausted. 2 weeks ago i've checked my battery APN ( Apple Part Number ) . My APN is : 616-0433 .

I found a battery on internet... which has APN: 616-0435 . May I use this battery with APN 616-0435 ? . I don't wanna receive ERROR 29 when I'll Update or Restore my iPhone.. Or to get my battery swollen.. or having problems when charging the battery.

I repeat. I have APN 616-0433 .. May I use the battery with APN 616-0435 without problems ? . Thanks! :D
From what I understand all the following are interchangeable... 616-0431, 616-0432, 616-0433, 616-0434, and 616-0435. Are you hearing or seeing different somewhere?
Yes. APN 616-0431 and 616-0432 are NOT compatible with iOS 4.2.1+ . They will give me ERROR 29 when Updating/ Restoring because I have iOS 6.0.1
Yes. APN 616-0431 and 616-0432 are NOT compatible with iOS 4.2.1+ . They will give me ERROR 29 when Updating/ Restoring because I have iOS 6.0.1
Ahh ok. Was unaware of that. The supplier that we recommend members use, iFixit.com, sells the 3GS battery and states it's compatible w/ all the APN's I mentioned above.
I'm NOT from US .. I'm from Romania and the shipping costs ... brghh.. would be really expansive. I know a good supplier from Romania.. But they have only 616-0435 . it's the most expensive battery available on internet ( romanian websites ) . I just need to know if my device could handle a 616-0435 battery without any problems.

I also found a supplier which has batteries with APN 616-0433 but those batteries are TOO CHEAP and probably they have bad quality. I wanna buy the expensive battery which has 616-0435 but.. I don't know if 616-0435 it's compatible with 616-0433 .

If you can search for more infos about this.. I'm greatful .
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Yes, I'll search around a bit more. Hopefully we can come up w/ a good answer for you. I'm sure other members will be coming along before too long... they'll offer up some good information as well.

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