does anyone know roughly when to expect a jailbrake for 4.3. i accidentally upgraded and lost my jb. 
but i have stumbled accross this article sayin a jailbrake for 4.3 using pwnage tool has been relased. im a little nervous to try it incase it nacks my phone permanantly.. heres the link if anyone feels brave enough to try it
Jailbreak iOS 4.3 on iPhone 4 with PwnageTool 4.3 [How to Guide] | Redmond Pie

but i have stumbled accross this article sayin a jailbrake for 4.3 using pwnage tool has been relased. im a little nervous to try it incase it nacks my phone permanantly.. heres the link if anyone feels brave enough to try it
Jailbreak iOS 4.3 on iPhone 4 with PwnageTool 4.3 [How to Guide] | Redmond Pie