Jailbreaking Methods for iPhone

Jailbreaking Methods for iPhone

The best tools used for Jailbreaking are Absinthe and Redsn0w as they are very easy to use and Jailbreaking is too easy to do. These software are free of cost and saves a lot of our money.
Hi All.

I follow the instruction on readme file from absinthe2.0.4 package and the guide here to Jailbreak my iPhone 4S.
The problem is after I extract the zip folder and getting into the created folder, I can't run absinthe.exe.
I always get the following error message : "YOU MUST RUN THIS APP AS ADMINISTRATOR"

Strange, my account is Administrator. The I try with "RIGHT CLICK" and choose "RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR" but I still get the same error message.
So, I continue with my usual troubleshooting when problems like the appear, I set the compatibility properties for Absinthe.exe to “Windows XP (Service Pack 2)” and “Run this program as an administrator”. But when I retry opening Absinthe, it still got the same error message. I even try with all my firewall and Antivirus disabled/turned off, but I still can't run Absinthe.
With all combination possible it just can't running. I use Windows Vista SP2.

I know the easy solution is trying with another laptop/PC, but it's just irritate me that Absinthe won't run on my laptop. Not to mention, I kind of reluctant borrowing other laptop/PC for jailbreaking purpose.
Did anyone ever had the same problem with me?? And how to resolve it??
britpoper said:
Hi All.

I follow the instruction on readme file from absinthe2.0.4 package and the guide here to Jailbreak my iPhone 4S.
The problem is after I extract the zip folder and getting into the created folder, I can't run absinthe.exe.
I always get the following error message : "YOU MUST RUN THIS APP AS ADMINISTRATOR"

Strange, my account is Administrator. The I try with "RIGHT CLICK" and choose "RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR" but I still get the same error message.
So, I continue with my usual troubleshooting when problems like the appear, I set the compatibility properties for Absinthe.exe to “Windows XP (Service Pack 2)” and “Run this program as an administrator”. But when I retry opening Absinthe, it still got the same error message. I even try with all my firewall and Antivirus disabled/turned off, but I still can't run Absinthe.
With all combination possible it just can't running. I use Windows Vista SP2.

I know the easy solution is trying with another laptop/PC, but it's just irritate me that Absinthe won't run on my laptop. Not to mention, I kind of reluctant borrowing other laptop/PC for jailbreaking purpose.
Did anyone ever had the same problem with me?? And how to resolve it??

You shouldn't have to do anything.

Absinthe.exe is already set at Administrator privileges when it's extracted.

Try using the better version of the Absinthe jailbreak. Use redsn0w instead. It is better. Get redsn0w from here: http://blog.iphone-dev.org/

Forget the instructions for a second.

Follow these ones exactly.

) download the 5.1.1 iPSW(http://theiphonewiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=firmware). Save it to your desktop.

) DFU restore to the 5.1.1 iPSW by shift+restoring to it.

) once restore finishes DO NOT restore from a backup. Not an iTunes or iCloud backup..*setup as new device*.

) after restore; first..on your iPhone...follow the initial on screen setup. Follow the setup until you get access to the SpringBoard....once you get to the SpringBoard...don't do anything...don't add any emails, open any apps..don't do anything.

) now in iTunes...type in name and whatever...make sure "Automatically Sync Apps" is *unchecked* and click Next.

) then be sure to NOT Restore from a backup and choose setup as new iPhone...Click Continue.

) let iTunes sync with the iPhone..download Safari Safe Browsing Data and whatever.

) once iTunes finishes the first initial sync...don't do anything else except close iTunes.

Now open redsn0w.exe(just a simple double click), click "Jailbreak" and choose "Yes". Let the jailbreak finish.

When redsnow finished the jailbreak...unlock the device...wait for Cydia to appear...once it appears...don't touch anything...just wait for the SpringBoard to restart. Once the SpringBoard restarts...your phone has been successfully jailbroken.

I left out the "Erase All Content and Settings" step for a reason btw.
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Many thanks for the reply zig :)
For the sake of needing this phone for work I'll try your suggestion on this weekend and update here whether it's succeed or not.

Edit : I can't wait till weekend and tried just now, it's work using redsn0w. Thanks for the help. Now I'm freeeeeee :))
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Can anyone help iv tried to jailbreak my iphone 3g on 4.2.1 its unlocked, firmware is 05.15.04 iv tried greenpois0n put my phone in dfu mode but it never recognized that it was in this mode and kept asking to try again, I have also tried several redsn0w versions and always get to the final stage when all I need is for my phone to reboot but my phone never does, can anyone help or give advice please.
Owners of CDMA (Verizon) iPhone4's should read the update relating to redsn0w in the first post. Looks like you are out of luck for a working jailbreak for the time being.
4.1.1 jailbreak did not take long for the 4S but it looks like apple did not even care about it (for now) I really thought 4.1.1 would be for all devices and patch the jailbreak..
The following is a list of the current methods which can be used to jailbreak your iPhone:

evasi0n jailbreak tool
iOS 6.0-iOS 6.1

Absinthe 2.0.1 - Firmware 5.1.1 via jailbreak payload, available from greenpois0n.com.
Need a guide to help you? See here (Windows): http://www.iphoneforums.net/forum/h...-using-absinthe-2-0-1-windows-[5-1-1]-40153/; or here (Mac): http://www.iphoneforums.net/forum/h...phone-using-absinthe-2-0-1-mac-[5-1-1]-40152/

redsn0w 0.9.x - Windows and OSX - Firmware 5.1.1 via jailbreak payload, available from Dev-Team Blog
Simply connect your iPhone4S to your PC, start redsn0w, and press "jailbreak" to begin!

Absinthe - Firmware 5.0.1 via jailbreak payload, available from greenpois0n.com.
Need a guide to help you? See here - http://www.iphoneforums.net/forum/h...-jailbreak-iphone4s-5-0-5-0-1-absinthe-31990/

iPhone4 & 3GS
Absinthe 2.0.1 - Firmware 5.1.1 via jailbreak payload, available from greenpois0n.com.
*For guides, see those listed under Absinthe 2.0.1 for the iPhone 4S

redsn0w 0.9.x - Windows and OSX - Firmware 5.1.1, 5.1, 5.0.1, 5.0, 4.3.5, 4.3.4, 4.3.3,, 4.3.2, 4.3.1, 4.3, 4.2.10, 4.2.9, 4.2.8, 4.2.7, 4.2.6 via jailbreak payload, available from Dev-Team Blog
See our tutorial for redsn0w here - http://www.iphoneforums.net/forum/h...jailbreak-ios5-using-redsn0w-beginners-25943/

sn0wbreeze 2.9.6 - Windows Only - 5.1.1, 5.0.1, 5.0, 4.4.4, 4.4.3, 4.3.3, 4.3.2, 4.3.1, 4.2.8, 4.2.1, 4.1 via custom firmware, available from iH8sn0w.com

Pwnage Tool 5.1.1 - OSX Only - Firmware 5.1.1, 5.0.1, 4.3.3, 4.3.2, 4.3.1, 4.3, 4.2.8, 4.2.7, 4.2.6 via custom firmware, available from Dev-Team Blog

jailbreakme.com - Firmware 4.3.3, 4.3.2, 4.3.1, 4.3, 4.2.8, 4.2.7, 4.2.6
Available from jailbreakme.com - NOTE: You must visit this site using Mobile Safari on your phone!

ac1dsn0w - OSX Only - Firmware 5.0.1, and 5.0 via jailbreak payload, available from Pwn Dev-Team
See our tutorial for ac1dsn0w here - http://www.iphoneforums.net/forum/h...jailbreak-ios5-tethered-using-ac1dsn0w-27724/

For most of these jailbreaks you will require a downloaded copy of the appropriate firmware version for your phone in order to use the tool. Don't forget, we have provided you with all the necessary download links in this thread - http://www.iphoneforums.net/forum/i...ple-ios-firmware-download-links-iphone-17213/

Don't forget, once you have identified a JB to try out, we have an extensive list of tutorials.

Older methods for older firmware and devices:
greenpois0n RC6.1 - Windows & OSX - Firmware 4.2.1, 4.2.6 from - Absinthe 2.0 has arrived! | greenpois0n.com
greenpois0n RC4 - Windows & OSX - Firmware 4.1 from - Absinthe 2.0 has arrived! | greenpois0n.com
limera1n - Windows & OSX - Firmware 4.1, 4.0.2, 4.0.1, 4.0 from - limera1n
Jailbreakme.com (2.0) - iPhone via Mobile Safari - Firmware 4.0.1, 3.1.3

Colour Key:
GREEN - indicates the newest IOS version which can be jailbroken and untethered with a particular JB tool.
ORANGE - indicates the newest IOS version which can be jailbroken but remains tethered to the tool.

What's the difference between an untethered and a tethered jailbreak?
An untethered jailbreak means you can reboot your device at any time and the jailbreak will continue to function as expected. Ideally, you want to always be running an untethered jailbreak.

However, from time to time we have to live with a tethered jailbreak as the only option for a particular device and IOS version until such time as an exploit to untether it is found (untethering a jailbreak is an order of magnitude more complex than producing the tethered one).
If a jailbreak is tethered then you must reboot your device whilst it is connected, or tethered, to your PC which is running the program you used to jailbreak it originally (or a reboot tool provided with the jailbreak, such as iBooty from sn0wbreeze).
If you don't tethered boot your device, one of two things will happen. Either the device will hang at the Apple logo if you have mobile substrate or anything else installed which hooks into the kernel of the OS. In this situation you will need to wait until you can connect your device to your PC and boot it properly in a tethered state. Or, the device will boot to stock IOS but none of your JB apps will work. You may also not be able to use some stock apps, such as Safari, which most JB's move to a different part of the disk as part of their original installation.

What's the difference between a jailbreak that uses a payload versus one that creates a custom firmware?
redsn0w, greenpois0n, and limera1n all deliver the jailbreak as payload via a ramdisk on top of your currently installed IOS system. This means that these methods will leave your current applications and settings intact without the need to re-sync with iTunes.
jailbreakme.com exploits a userland bug on the device and delivers it's payload straight onto the device vai a malformed PDF through Mobile Safari.

It should be possible to complete a jailbreak using and of these payload methods in literally a few minutes if you are well prepared.

pwnage and sn0wbreeze jailbreaks both cook a complete custom firmware file which must then be restored onto your device. This means you have a clean fresh installation of IOS + the jailbreak when you finish. You therefore won't have any of your previous applications or settings unless you then connect to iTunes and restore from backup and re-sync your files. These methods take a bit longer. You will need to download a stock firmware file to feed into the tool and then, once cooked, install it on your device via iTunes. In order for these types of jailbreak to work the tool must be able to put your device into what is known as a "pwned DFU" mode so that it is fooled into accepting the installation of a firmware which did not come from Apple.

Which method should I use?
Of course it's all down to personal choice!

If your device and IOS version is suseptable to the jailbreakme.com 3.0 exploit, most users will find this the easiest and most convenient method. Simply fire up Mobile Safari on your iPhone and visit jailbreakme.com, and follow the instructions You will be jailbroken normally within a minute.

Next in order, and assuming you have your device set up the way you want on the correct version of IOS, then you will probably prefer any of the other jailbreak payload tools, such as redsn0w, since these will install very quickly and leave your apps intact. It is possible to complete a redsn0w jailbreak in less than 15 minutes as long as you have the correct firmware downloaded to your local disk.

If on the other hand you need to upgrade IOS to a later version in order to jailbreak, or you are the sort of person that likes to start clean and fresh from time to time, one of the custom firmware jailbreaks, such as pwnage or sn0wbreeze, may suit you better…

Happy Jailbreaking!

How do i jail break iPhone 4s running IOS 7.0.4?