8 Iphone4 Questions that i'm dying to know,PLZ HELP

8 Iphone4 Questions that i'm dying to know,PLZ HELP


New Member
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Oct 15, 2011
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1-how do i make sure that my iphone4 is factory unlock?
2-how do i know if i have a gsm or cdma?
3-if my iphone is factory unlock do i ever need to preserve baseband ?
4-if i update to ios5 will i get stuck at it forever and can't downgrade to ios4?
5-is backing up shsh blobs pointless if i update to ios 5?
6-if my iphone is jailbroken,can i download free or paid apps from apps store too?
7-if i update to 4.3.3 which one should i choose? jailbreakme.com or redsnow?
8-if i have a jail broken iphone, do i have to unjailbreak it before i update and jailbreak it again or just restore with ipsw file?

i would really appreciate it if you could answer my questions, i know its asking alot but i'm hopless here.tnx
1-how do i make sure that my iphone4 is factory unlock?
2-how do i know if i have a gsm or cdma?
3-if my iphone is factory unlock do i ever need to preserve baseband ?
4-if i update to ios5 will i get stuck at it forever and can't downgrade to ios4?
5-is backing up shsh blobs pointless if i update to ios 5?
6-if my iphone is jailbroken,can i download free or paid apps from apps store too?
7-if i update to 4.3.3 which one should i choose? jailbreakme.com or redsnow?
8-if i have a jail broken iphone, do i have to unjailbreak it before i update and jailbreak it again or just restore with ipsw file?

i would really appreciate it if you could answer my questions, i know its asking alot but i'm hopless here.tnx

hello there,

well let me answer your questions.

1. how do i make sure that my iphone4 is factory unlock?

A. Restore the phone and by doing so it should unlock and work with any micro-sim card world wide that supports it.

2. how do i know if i have a gsm or cdma?

A. GSM devices have a slot for the micro sim and the CDMA does not use any sim card

3. if my iphone is factory unlock do i ever need to preserve baseband ?

A. NO! Factory unlocked device means you can upgrade all you want and the phone will never lock so preserving the baseband would be a bit pointless.

4. if i update to ios5 will i get stuck at it forever and can't downgrade to ios4?

A. if you save your shsh blobs for 4.XX and decide later to downgrade then you can, but if you do not save them then you will not be able to downgrade.

For information on how to save them read here: http://www.iphoneforums.net/forum/h...ave-your-shsh-blobs-using-tinyumbrella-18924/

5. is backing up shsh blobs pointless if i update to ios 5?

A. I hope my answer in Q 4 answered this already but saving your blobs enables you to downgrade to that firmware later on so really it depends on you.

6. 6-if my iphone is jailbroken,can i download free or paid apps from apps store too?

A. Jailbreaking will not effect the app store and you can download from the app store as normal (we do not speak of piracy here and doing so will most likely result in being banned) Read the rules for more information, link can be found in my signature!

7. if i update to 4.3.3 which one should i choose? jailbreakme.com or redsnow?

A. Jailbreakme.com is easier to use for the newer users who dont want to fiddle around with redsn0w and putting their device into dfu mode so I would go with that! but both are good.

8. if i have a jail broken iphone, do i have to unjailbreak it before i update and jailbreak it again or just restore with ipsw file?

A. when you restore or update your device in itunes this automatically removes any traces of the jailbreak, so even if you did not want to remove it you really have no choice if upgrading. but you can create a custom ipsw in pwnage tool, sn0wbreeze or soon redsn0w and you can just go ahead and restore in itunes with out having to remove any jailbreak first..

I hope that answers your questions, if you are un sure of anything then let me know
wow, thanks a billion
that really helps
i hope you don't get this in the wrong way but i love you man!

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