A newbie with quite a few Q's

A newbie with quite a few Q's

No. It will not effect your jailbreak in any way shape or form. Only updating the iOS on your iPhone directly will unjailbreak Your device. iTunes has no effect on the jailbreak. Don't worry.

Feel free to update to iTunes 10.5.3;)

That's ridiculously a wrong information. Factory restoring or Updating the iOS using iTunes will format the device and load into the device a brand new iOS. The only thing which will not affect the jailbreak is syncing the device to iTunes. Syncing musics, apps, contacts, etc. Once hit restore or upgrade, you can say bye bye to your jailbreak. And that's why you should restore or upgrade your jailbreak iPhone using iTunes before taking the iPhone to apple in case it develop a problem.
That's ridiculously a wrong information. Factory restoring or Updating the iOS using iTunes will format the device and load into the device a brand new iOS. The only thing which will not affect the jailbreak is syncing the device to iTunes. Syncing musics, apps, contacts, etc. Once hit restore or upgrade, you can say bye bye to your jailbreak. And that's why you should restore or upgrade your jailbreak iPhone using iTunes before taking the iPhone to apple in case it develop a problem.
Wow! bab2010 and zig9449, you guys sound like the actual back and forth voices in my head. Haha! I am at 5.0.1 jailbroken right now. My itunes is at and the 10.5.3 in available. So bab2010 if I just download and install this new itunes and install it, this means the next time I sync my phone, the jailbreak will be erased? I would not hit the restore, just sync. Sorry about restating the question...I really am torn about what to do here. Thank you guys in advance.
Wow! bab2010 and zig9449, you guys sound like the actual back and forth voices in my head. Haha! I am at 5.0.1 jailbroken right now. My itunes is at and the 10.5.3 in available. So bab2010 if I just download and install this new itunes and install it, this means the next time I sync my phone, the jailbreak will be erased? I would not hit the restore, just sync. Sorry about restating the question...I really am torn about what to do here. Thank you guys in advance.
They're definitley pulling you back and forth aren't they... LOL!!! Yes, go ahead and update iTunes. You can Sync your iDevice just like you would on the previous iTunes version. The only thing you don't want to do is Restore... doing that will lose your Jailbreak.
Also, when iTunes prompts you to install an updated iOS version.... don't do that. You'll lose your Jailbreak and quite possibly not be able to Jailbreak again.
Wow! bab2010 and zig9449, you guys sound like the actual back and forth voices in my head. Haha! I am at 5.0.1 jailbroken right now. My itunes is at and the 10.5.3 in available. So bab2010 if I just download and install this new itunes and install it, this means the next time I sync my phone, the jailbreak will be erased? I would not hit the restore, just sync. Sorry about restating the question...I really am torn about what to do here. Thank you guys in advance.
Just syncing your iPhone to iTunes will not affect your JB at all. clicking on restore or upgrade (if there is a new iOS version available) will wipe your iPhone, your JB will be gone for good, but you can JB again right after restoring your iOS.
Sync your iPhone to your iTunes without worries, your JB will remain untouched, just don't hit restore unless you know what you are doing.
Yeah.....wow. I think I was the first person to actually understand and what the OP was asking.lol.


Just to be clear. Wow people. Learn to read.lol.
And plus. You prolly want to be on 5.0.1 correct?.....

If that's the case, then that's the only available iOS at the moment. You couldn't update your iOS if ya tried. Not right now.
Thanks a million guys for understanding my question everyone. I'm going to update iTunes tonight. I'm not going to do a restore because I'd lose the jailbreak. Thanks again everyone... Cheers!
Eeeeehhh. He gets it..lol. Just PM'd me. Lol. He now know that updating iTunes is safe.lol.