Accessing via USB

Accessing via USB


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Feb 26, 2012
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I'm trying to access my iPhone on my Windows laptop via a USB cable so I can change the system font, but when I plug it in no external drive shows up? Is there a way to mount this? I realise this is probably a really stupid question but I'm new to Apple products.
The biggest question is - is your iPhone jail broken? Cause that's really the only way you can change the system font. If it is jail broken then the easiest way to change the system font is to install the free Cydia tweak BytaFont. It's very easy to switch fonts with this and there are a LOT of fonts to choose from.

Yes my phone is jailbroken. I'm looking for the Neutraface font where even the lowercase letters are capitals. I've searched through Cydia but can't seem to find it. I notice via screenshots from DeviantArt and different places that a lot of people have it so I reckon it may be on there somewhere but I can't find it.
Unfortunately, the NeutraFace font is a commercial font that isn't available in BytaFont. So, I don't know how you'll be able to get it - or how you can put it on the phone. Maybe if you buy it commercially, you can put it into the BytaFont folder.

Unfortunately, unless you do buy it, there is no legal way to get it (which is probably why BytaFont doesn't have it - legal issues, I'm sure).
