Advice please, should I upgrade?

Advice please, should I upgrade?


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Jul 14, 2012
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Let me start off by apologizing for surely posting this in the wrong area. This is my first post, its probably going to be long and filled with spelling and grammar issues, so please just bare with me.


I currently have an HTC Thunderbolt on Verizon, it sucks. I've had it for 2 years now, bad choice by me to get. It hasn't exactly crapped out yet, but I can tell it will soon, it has a cracked screen, bugs, etc. I have an upgrade available RIGHT NOW, and have waiting it out for the newest iPhone (which we'll from-now-on refer to as iPhone 5) which will come out (probably) anywhere from late august to November.

Some background info, my family of FOUR has FIVE phones on VERIZON. You may be wondering why we have the extra phone, and the answer is just so we can leach upgrades off of it.

Mom-Moto Droid Razr-perfectly happy with it, doesn't want an iphone
Sister-Iphone 4s
Me-HTC Thunderbolt
Brother-iphone 4s
And then a dumb phone (phone #5)

As I already said, I have one upgrade available now, AND another one available around Christmas of this year. I really need a new phone, and have created several different scenarios and options. Now this is where you come in, I need need you to help me decide what to do.

Wait it out a few more months with this sad excuse for an android.
I hate waiting, and my phone has zero battery life and sucks. Also, I am worried that getting an iPhone 5 the day it comes out could backfire because it will probably be buggy and have battery issues

Use the upgrade I have now to get an iPhone 4s, then wait until Christmas to get the iPhone 5 which has been out long enough to be pretty patched up.
My older sister might deathmatch me for this upgrade, because she has had the iPhone 4s the longest. Also a huge flaw, I think going down this route might have our family end up with 5 smartphones, which means paying for 5 a month. (Not sure about this though)

This one is the most complicated in my opinion and you guys might have to do some research on this one. My HTC Thunderbolt uses some type of SIM card, I don't know what size. I am PRETTY sure the iPhone 4s on Verizon ALSO uses a SIM card (might be another size.) I could, theoretically, buy an iphone 4s on ebay, pop in my SIM card, and use that until the iPhone 5 comes out and I feel comfortable upgrading.
I don't know if I can even switch-a-roo the SIM cards on Verizon, and also I think finding an iphone 4s on ebay that isnt incrdible expensive will be impossible.

So there it is. I'd appreciate serious, heart-felt answers. Thanks!
The SIM card thing would never work.

If your into Jailbreaking....then get the iPhone 4S.

Honestly if I were wouldn't even be a question for me.

I would get the 4S. The really doubt iPhone 5 will be buggy at all. The OS on it may have a few bugs...but I highly doubt the iPhone 5 will be too buggy.

If your into Jailbreaking...then you won't even want to get the IPhone 5 until a jailbreak is released for it...And that will be a good long time after its released. Once you learn how to use a Jailbroken will never want to go back to the stock Apple iPhone again. Donors up to you.

So option number 3 is not an option. No SIM card will work in your iPhone 4S.

To would be silly "not" get the iPhone 4S rite now. Plus....if you get it...and jailbreak will have the best phone out of your brother and it will be able to do south more then they're stock iPhones.

Perhaps you ate think a little too hard on the subject.

And if you want the iPhone 5 when it comes out...just sell the 4S.
thanks for the advice, right now I'm definitely leaning towards getting a 4s on Monday. Thanks again
I had my iPhone 4 recently stolen and didn't think twice about getting the iPhone 4s.

When the new iPhone is released i will then weigh up wether it ticks all the boxes for my use.

In the end if one waited for whats new out around the corner, then one would never end up making a purchase at all !
iPhone5 MAY have bigger screen and LTE. I'd wait if it were me (if you end up getting just one phone)! :)
Have you looked into this with the new "family plan" Verizon has...not sure how that will affect your decision, but it may.

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