After ios 5 update i am having problems listening to music!

After ios 5 update i am having problems listening to music!

When i start the music player it plays for a while and then it stops like i paused it but its not and sometimes i cant get it to play at all.If i wait and go back to it, it works and then stops after a couple songs.I didnt get any error messages when downloading ios5 but it never happened before

embedded iMusic app in iOS 5 and higher was changed first time and they just can not make it stable anymore, many iPads and iPhones have numerous troubles like music scipping to the next song, or jumping within one song here and back, it is annoying and doesn't seem to be better soon.

More and more people sell their iPhones and iPad1 in europe as they want to change to Android...

I am personaly a fan of Apple, but kind of feed up fighting with all stupid limitations and bugs... Thinking of bying me an android device too... APPLE SUCKS and it is not even half a year since Steve Jobs passed away... my both iPhone4 and iPad1 have that Music issues. I went to the apple store, gave my device back and told that i have that issues...

Answer: Apple is not responsible for the SOFTWARE ISSUES... GREAT ANSWER!!!
This is a huge issue.. I don't want to deal with these problems ontop of other bugs.
