Gersh, sorry to hear you've had bad experience with the Jawbone earpieces...honestly, I'm using the Jawbone Icon (white one) to match my white iphone 4 & it works flawlessly.
I'm using the stock bluetooth firmware that came with the Icon. I'm also using 4.0.2 on my unlocked iphone 4 & have no issues
My icon can go about 30 feet away before static kicks in. The phone can be in any pocket etc & I have no issues.
Just the other day I left the phone in the car running, hopped out to check the mail on the mailbox & came back to the car talking to my fiance & she had no idea I grabbed the mail before I came home.
Maybe your bluetooth is defective? I would exchange it for another one or worst case, try another iphone & bluetooth, pair them & see how they work together.
As for me, you guys are probably wondering what I'm doing back here since I praised the Platronics Explorer 360 a few months ago...well I lost it after my engagement party & wanted a new bluetooth to use.
I looked for one feverishly in stores & couldn't find one...well I ended up upgrading to a Jawbone Icon & as you can see I love it.
Here's an update...
I recently picked up some Jabra 925 eargels and swapped out the OEM Jawbone ones & compared the sound quality in the ear etc.
My only gripe with my Icon is that it wasn't as loud as I wanted it to be...every other feature worked great. With the new eargels not only does the sound get gets a little clearer as well.
The sensor still sticks to my cheek too so I don't lose that all too important feature...
I highly recommend the Icon for use on the iphone 4. If you want even clearer sound in your ear & more comfortable fit, grab the 925 ear gels
FINAL update...I took our old red BlueAnt Z9i out of my fiance's car, charged it up & tried it out with the 925 eargels & OOOOMMMMGGGG
Its a brand new bluetooth...So loud I have to turn the volume down ...the call quality is not as clear as the Icon but the volume got its much needed boost.
In a total range showdown, the Icon wins hands down. It gave the longest range indoors @ about 30 feet between rooms in my apartment vs. the Z9i coming in around 20 feet before I got some static in the reception.
For noise filtering, the Icon wins hands down! I've driven to work 80MPH on the down & no one knew during a conversation vs. the Z9i bringing in more background noise even with noise iso max turned on.
In closing, those ear gels made a noticeable difference. They're worth the extra cost to get them.
If you have an iphone 4 + 100.00 to spare, order both earpieces (Jawbone Icon + BlueAnt Z9i).
If you have an extra 10 to spare, grab some 925 ear gels and get to know your two new favorite bluetooth ear pieces. If you're anything like me, you'll swap them out every other day and enjoy your new electronic toys lol
I recently found my Platronics 360 bluetooth earpiece. I can't get mad about it either...if I never lost it, I would not have had the chance to have the Icon nor rediscover how my old Z9i sounds again & use it for the first time with an iphone 4.