Apple Beats BlackBerry Maker RIM to Become Fourth Biggest Mobile Phone Seller

Apple Beats BlackBerry Maker RIM to Become Fourth Biggest Mobile Phone Seller


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Jun 18, 2010
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According to AppleInsider, a new IDC report has revealed that Apple has finally overtaken Research in Motion, makers of the BlackBerry, to become the world’s fourth-biggest mobile phone seller. The IDC’s Worldwide Quarterly Mobile Phone Tracker report states that after a record breaking quarter, Apple was now placed at fourth on the list, behind Nokia, Samsung and LG Electronics. This is the first quarter that Apple has ever placed in the top 5 global mobile phone sellers list.

As far as growth is concerned, Apple rules the roost there as well, with a 90 percent increase in sales year-on-year.

AppleInsider points out that the IDC figures confirm what Steve Jobs claimed recently during Apple’s quarterly conference call, where he said the following:

“We’ve now passed RIM. I don’t see them catching up with us in the foreseeable future. It will be a challenge for them to create a mobile software platform and convince developers to support a third platform.”

Source: AppleInsider

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