Apple Continues to Rule Global Smartphone Profits

Apple Continues to Rule Global Smartphone Profits


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Jun 18, 2010
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Apple continues to dominate global smartphone profits.webp

9to5 Mac reports that according to new figures just out from Strategy Analytics, Apple continues to dominate in terms of total profits in the worldwide smartphone market.

Strategy Analytics' figures show that Apple had 79.2% of global smartphone profits last year, with the global smartphone industry estimated to have made total operating profits of $53.7 billion, and Apple’s operating profit made up $44.9 billion of that. This was a very slight fall for Apple from last year’s 92% share.

Samsung is in second place to Apple once more, with just 14.9% of global profits, and an operating profit of $8.3 billion last year. Clearly Samsung has taken a big hit from the Galaxy Note 7 recall debacle. Samsung’s profit margin was 11.6% last year, in contrast with Apple’s profit margin of 32.4%.

As far as any other competition for Apple and Samsung is concerned, Strategy Analytics says that they are “barely profitable.” Huawei reported an operating profit of $929 million last year, just 1.6% of global profits. OPPO had 1.5%, and rival Vivo had 1.3%.

Source: Apple once more dominates global smartphone profits, though less dramatically

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