Apple Expected to Sell 5 Million T-Mobile iPhones in First Year

Apple Expected to Sell 5 Million T-Mobile iPhones in First Year


iPhoneForums.Net News Team
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Jun 18, 2010
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No sooner has T-Mobile announced that it has signed a deal with Apple to sell Apple devices, then the analysts start weighing in with their views on what this could mean for Apple and T-Mobile. AppleInsider reports that Amit Daryanani from RBC Capital Markets told investors yesterday that Apple could sell around 4.8 million iPhones in the first year. T-Mobile has 33 million subscribers, making a good solid base of customers to try and sell the iPhone to, with 70%, or around 24 million, of those being post-paid. Daryanani bases his calculations on the fact that Sprint, which is the third-largest US carrier, sold 6.3 million iPhones in the first year it had them, representing roughly 20% of Sprint’s post-paid subscribers. Since the announcement that T-Mobile would be stocking Apple products, T-Mobile’s parent company, Deutsche Telekom’s CEO said that US T-Mobile stores would be selling the iPhone from next year, and that the company would provide a “dramatically different” experience for customers. [/FONT]

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[FONT=&quot]Source:[/FONT] Apple forecast to sell as many as 5M T-Mobile iPhones in first year

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