Apple leaks second generation iPhone 4S details through iTunes update

Apple leaks second generation iPhone 4S details through iTunes update


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Jul 27, 2011
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Although the clock is ticking and the moment Apple will reveal the new iPhone 5 is close, the latest update in iTunes reveals a new reference to an iPhone 4S, an improved version of the current Apple designed phone.

The update released at the end of last week contains files mentioning an iPhone 4S that is available in both black and white, which leads to questions about the details of this phone. Reportedly the 4S will use the same glass for the back panel as the iPhone 4 and will be available in both colors from launch. The antenna design will be improved, making for the only visible difference between the two phones. It is also expected that the iPhone 4S will be a dual-mode phone, which means it will be used on both CDMA and GSM networks.

As for the new iPhone 5 that will be announced Tuesday, October 4th, details managed to filter through the tightly closed Apple front doors. Although we await confirmation, rumor has it that the fifth generation of iPhones will have an 8MP camera, 512 MB of RAM and will feature support for HSPA, as well as the same processor as the iPad 2.

It is also known that with the new generation of iPhones comes with a new OS, with brand new features. Among the rumored abilities of iOS 5 is a new voice recognition technology running under the application named “Assistant”. This will allow owners to speak into the phones and order it to accomplish a number of tasks. Some of the tasks the technology will support are sending texts, looking up information on the internet, searching through files stored on the phone or scheduling appointments in the calendar.

Apparently 30 million iPhone 5 phones will be available in stores by the end of the year.

Source: AppleInsider
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so it seems it will be called iphone 4S and not 5... it is a more realistic name though being called 4S
so it seems it will be called iphone 4S and not 5... it is a more realistic name though being called 4S

No no, there is going to be 2 new iPhones IMO, one is iPhone 4S but with 8G/ 16G/ 32G/ of memories and iPhone 5 which is actually the one apple will introduce soon. iPhone 4S will be a lot cheaper than iPhone 5.
I doubt apple will release two devices... just one device available in white black and different amount of data sizes from 16 to 64 probably.. I dont see why apple would release two devices
Well I also do not know but that's what is0nic and many others are talking about on their tweets. I even ask is0nic to know if it's the iPhone 5 he's calling iPhone 4s and his answer was strong and loud "NO, I'm talking about iPhone 4s, not about iPhone 5" and I replied to him "thanks for the info".
Actually there are a lot of news going on about the iPhone 4s going to be cheaper and the iPhone 5 which is going to be introduce soon, you can just google about it and see for your self, you might not trust the news, but I trust is0nic tweets.

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