Apple Looking to Launch iPhone Trade-in Program in the UK

Apple Looking to Launch iPhone Trade-in Program in the UK


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Jun 18, 2010
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9to5 Mac reports today that it has heard from a reliable source that Apple has been training up its UK retail employees on how to implement the Apple Store iPhone trade-in program, which is currently only available in the US.

The program was launched back in August, and enables the customer to upgrade to the latest iPhone by offering them a store credit based on the value of their current iPhone.

According to the source, Apple intends to introduce the service in the UK in the next few months. Apparently Apple has so far only trained up staff from a small number of its UK stores, but more training is set to roll out across stores throughout the country in the near future.

As 9to5 Mac notes, this move makes sound sense for Apple, as the UK has the most Apple Stores in the world, after the US. As far as other European, or indeed worldwide, territories are concerned, the source said that the iPhone trade-in program will be coming to them too, but the UK will be getting it first.

Source: Apple prepping expansion of iPhone trade-in program to UK, Europe stores | 9to5Mac

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