Apple Pay Tops Customer Satisfaction Survey Ahead of PayPal and Google Wallet

Apple Pay Tops Customer Satisfaction Survey Ahead of PayPal and Google Wallet


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Jun 18, 2010
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Apple tops mobile payment survey.webp

BGR reports on a new survey from Changewave that sees Apple Pay way ahead of PayPal and GoogleWallet in terms of customer satisfaction, with 66% of respondents saying that they were “Very Satisfied” with Apple’s mobile payment system, ahead of 45% of respondents for PayPay and 33% of respondents for Google Wallet.

“Our latest survey shows planned use of Apple Pay has been on an upward trajectory since it became available six months ago—with the service helping to spark consumer demand for mobile payment technologies,” said Changewave in a press release. “Although consumer perceptions of security remain an issue, the results point to marked improvements in this area.”

The survey also found that even for those people who do not currently use a mobile payment service, iPhone owners were more likely than any other smartphone owners to plan on using that type of service in future. Thirty-four percent of iPhone users said they would do so, whereas just 16% of Android users, 13% of BlackBerry users, and 5% of Windows Phone users said they would.

Source: Apple Pay PayPal and Google Wallet still can t compete BGR
Well, it's not really to make the customers happy. Just to fool them so that Walmart will be happy.

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