New Survey Finds that Consumers Still Choose iPhone Over Android

New Survey Finds that Consumers Still Choose iPhone Over Android


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Jun 18, 2010
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[FONT=&quot]9to5 Mac reports today on a new survey from ChangeWave Research which polled 4,163 consumers in June, including 11% outside the US. The respondents were asked about what smartphone they were intending to buy in the next 90 days. According to the results of the survey, although Android has recently become the best-selling smartphone platform, the iPhone is still the device that most of those polled wanted to buy. To break down the figures, 46% of respondents planned to buy an iPhone in the next 90 days, up 2% from March, as opposed to 32% who planned to buy an Android smartphone, up 1% from March, with BlackBerry way down in third place with 4%, down 1%. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]ChangeWave also looked at smartphone customer satisfaction, and again Apple’s iPhone came way out on top, with 70% of owners saying that they were “Very Satisfied”, as opposed to Android with 50%, Windows OS Phone at 27% and RIM’s BlackBerry at 26%. When respondents were asked if they were more likely to buy Apple after the announcement of the forthcoming iCloud services, 29% of Apple product owners said they were, and 13% of non-Apple product owners said that they were. [/FONT]

Source: ChangeWave: Buyers prefer iPhone over Android, iCloud to create additional demand for Apple products | 9to5Mac | Apple Intelligence

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