New Survey Reveals Massive Demand for iPhone 5

New Survey Reveals Massive Demand for iPhone 5


iPhoneForums.Net News Team
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Jun 18, 2010
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According to a new survey from ChangeWave, as reported on by AppleInsider today, demand for Apple’s next iPhone has reached unprecedented levels, with record numbers of respondents saying that they want the next iPhone. The survey was carried out in June, and found that 14% of consumers said that they are “very likely” to buy the iPhone 5 (or whatever Apple decides to call it!), with 17% saying they are “somewhat likely” to buy one. ChangeWave says that its figures “easily dwarf” the advance demand of any other iPhone launches prior to this one. Last October, for example, prior to the release of what would turn out to be the iPhone 4S, ChangeWave conducted a similar poll and found that 10% of consumers said they were “very likely” to buy the iPhone 4S, with 11.5% saying that they were “somewhat likely.” These figures went on to translate to record-breaking sales for Apple for the launch of the iPhone 4S, so it looks like an even bigger launch can be expected for the iPhone 5.

Source: Demand for Apple's next iPhone at an 'unprecedented level'

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