Apple’s 2012 Profits Dwarf Those of All its Major Competitors Combined

Apple’s 2012 Profits Dwarf Those of All its Major Competitors Combined


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Jun 18, 2010
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Android Authority today features an interesting article looking at Apple’s profit for the fiscal year 2012 and putting the bold facts and figures into context. They also have a great graphic, which really helps to show you the context behind the figures as well. As Android Authority notes, Apple’s fiscal year results show a record profit of $41.7 billion on $156.5 billion revenue. The chart that Android Authority uses comes courtesy of Statista, and shows just how far Apple is ahead of the competition. For example, just behind Apple, we have the combined totals of Microsoft, Google, ebay, Yahoo, Facebook, and amazon, which together amount to $34.4 billion in profit over the past four fiscal quarters. So to put that plainly, even all those giant companies together, massive brands all of them, still fall far short of Apple’s total. The likes of Disney and TimeWarner are even further behind, and Apple’s smartphone rivals are languishing at the very bottom, with Samsung, Nokia, HTC and RIM combined only managing $12.8 billion between them.


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