Was just chatting with my husband about this and he suggested that perhaps videos of these events could later be purchased from iTunes! LOL!
I highly doubt you could purchase a video like this on iTunes. [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gibEMtN-Dig&feature=related"]YouTube - ‪D.C. Police abuse homeless man in a wheelchair‬‏[/ame]
What a great idea Apple has got! Cops could just put these transmitters on their cruisers and if they kill someone, accidentally, they could be 100% certain it wasn't caught on camera. Oh of course it won't be worded as evil sounding as this, they'll just tell you it's for your own good and safety.
The whole idea here is not copyright. It's Pandora's box.
There is something called 'for greater good', a concept which exists in free and open society. It's for greater good to be able to shoot with your phone on events and such, imagine something interesting happening on an event, such as something like in video above. It is for greater good for people to see that and do something about it. Rights of copyright holder stop when your and my rights start.
If apple has spend big cash $$$$ to get left and right world patent for this technology, you could be sure that it will implement it. It's big money, those transmitters would cost a lot, and be cheap to produce, which mean great profit. Government could require all concert halls and stations to buy those transmitters, and mandate all devices be compatible with Apple's technology. That's a lot of money on that one patent. One thing I know if it's a lot of money that means that it's going to be implemented. UNLESS we have to say something about it.
Evil happens when good and well meaning people like you and me do nothing. Never mind the pacifiers that say it's all right, nothing bad is going to happen -- just keep grazing the grass you going to the slaughter house soon, sheep.
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