Apps running in background

Apps running in background

Children please stop the arguing ;) another thing she can check is the location services. Facebook, foursquare, Instagram, maps etc.... These all use location services and are constantly tracking your location. That could possibly be using your data as well??


Sent from my Black, 16GB, iPhone 5 using Tapatalk.
IphoneMommy said:
Children please stop the arguing ;) another thing she can check is the location services. Facebook, foursquare, Instagram, maps etc.... These all use location services and are constantly tracking your location. That could possibly be using your data as well??


Sent from my Black, 16GB, iPhone 5 using Tapatalk.

not arguing moma... ;)
its just that he is an expert n i'm not... so my recommendations r simple n his detailed... :)
I have had my 4s since January this year. I use it ALL the time - mostly on wifi. I have notifications on, location services on mail set up for push etc and here is my lifetime data usage.

If the OP is on wifi most times and not abusive when on cellular data the usage shouldn't be super high, although I don't know what is considered high. If he always uses wifi and she does most but not all times there will be a difference. What these amounts of data are isn't known and may both be very low with differences


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