The HTC president Martin Fitcher said
“I brought my daughter back to college — she’s down in Portland at Reed — and I talked to a few of the kids on her floor. And none of them has an because they told me: ‘My dad has an iPhone.’ There’s an interesting thing that’s going on in the market. The iPhone becomes a little less cool than it was. They were carrying HTCs. They were carrying Samsungs. They were even carrying some Chinese manufacture’s devices. If you look at a college campus, Book Airs are cool. iPhones are not that cool anymore. We here are using iPhones, but our kids don’t find them that cool anymore.”
Do you think this is true? Have I become un-cool for having an Iphone? Will I be even less cool with my flashy new Iphone 5. Will having white earbuds make people look down on you?
I could care less because I know my device just plain works! And if I can get my kid a cheaper non-apple phone all the better. How about you?