Battery after jailbreak question

Battery after jailbreak question

I just did the thing tonight gonna check and see how battery is in the morning. Normally my battery would stay 100% for three or four hours after all nigt charge
So if i am using themes and icons sliders etc through wb can i just purely uninstall wb and not uninstall whatever i may be using through wb, obviously the icons theme etc would not work but could i just ininstall wb on its own?
Ok i think i might remove winterboard , is there any other way to make transparent icons ? App download etc ?
Ok i think i might remove winterboard , is there any other way to make transparent icons ? App download etc ?

I believe there is an app in Cydia called Bigify and Bigify+ that have this feature. Springtomize definitely has it.
In my personal opinion, I dont think a lot of tweaks will drain your battery unless there was some type of corruption during installing. Themes can drain battery but only themes that are very very poorly designed: huge file, memory leaks,ect.
Just make sure you install everything one at at time and make nothing is still loading in the background when you hit "confirm" tap install, let everything load, make sure that little spinning wheel in your status is gone before tapping confirm. I have had and over 20 tweaks and mods installed with no extra battery drain. If you notice battery drain after installing something, then reinstall, but remove first then install instead of just hitting reinstall. What sux is that some these mods get corrupted during installing and one piece of code doesn't change the file it was suppose to, and even when you uninsall that mangled code resides which leave your battery draing even after you uninstall something. Be patient.
Ok ill take that on board cheers guys much appreciato

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