Battery drain using iphone 4s

Battery drain using iphone 4s

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Interesting observation. FWIW, the Apple forum has an over 200 page thread on this matter - many irate people. One poster has made the rather remarkable observation (needs to be verified) that the only people not having issues have the white 4s - although this does not explain the issue with IOS5 on other non 4s phones.

O.K., white phone theory is not true as people with them are now reporting in with the same issue.
hahaha .. yeah and i have the black phone and i don't have a battery problem. (knock on wood!) So one more question. If so many people think its the time zone setting and turning that off. Should the people not having the problem turn it off also untill Apple comes out with a software update? I may disable the Local iAds. I don't really care for ads in the 1st place. Why should i let them know where i am just so they can send me advertising.
Just to comment on all of this. The issue is most likely software and frankly once Apple resolves it and updates your phone then all will be happy

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I just saw on my local news that it's a software issue and Apple is working on a software update to resolve this problem.
Apple deployed an ispw (iOS 5.0.1) for us developers yesterday evening. I loaded the new firmware last night. My initial reaction is very positive in only 2 hours of testing this morning.
Skull One said:
Apple deployed an ispw (iOS 5.0.1) for us developers yesterday evening. I loaded the new firmware last night. My initial reaction is very positive in only 2 hours of testing this morning.

How did you get that firmware, has it hasn't been released yet has it?
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