Whoever is getting horrible battery life compared to ANY droid phone (Thunderbolt is complete garbage when it comes to battery life, even with 4G disabled and in CDMA Auto) is probably ignorant on how to setup their iphone.
A simple search on this site will yield hundreds of result treads on how to extend your battery life...
Turn off Push Notifications
Dont use Exchange email
Dont use location services for apps like Facebook, news, etc
Use Wifi when in a Wifi area
Turn off Bluetooth
Set Fetch interval to 1 hour
Set screen timeout to 1 min
LET YOUR BATTERY GET USED! (the worth thing you can do is always leave your phone plugged in, this goes for ANY Li-po battery)
When I first got my Verizon iPhone, I thought CRAP, this phone SUCKS with battery... but using my brain and reading articles allowed me to get my usage time to over 8 hours of usage. This includes Games, Videos, Web Browsing, News apps, Facebook, texts and some phone calls, and over 1 day of standby.
Right now I have 44% on my battery and I havent charged it since Tuesday.
The battery life on the iphone 4 is amazing, but it takes some adjustments of settings to make it that way. When you install an app and it asks you if you want to enable push notifications, as well as location services and you say YES, you just sliced some of your battery off right there.
Oh, and dont even ask how laughable the Thunderbolt battery is. My friend is unable to get 4 hours of use time and barely 9 hours of standby time. He does nothing but complain about the battery. Applications management shows that there are about 57 apps running. 38 of them are Sense related, and the others are bloatware that you cannot disable, because once you do, they restart... this includes VZ navigator (ironic isnt it?) and a ton of other power draining apps.
He is returning his phone to Best Buy today.
A simple search on this site will yield hundreds of result treads on how to extend your battery life...
Turn off Push Notifications
Dont use Exchange email
Dont use location services for apps like Facebook, news, etc
Use Wifi when in a Wifi area
Turn off Bluetooth
Set Fetch interval to 1 hour
Set screen timeout to 1 min
LET YOUR BATTERY GET USED! (the worth thing you can do is always leave your phone plugged in, this goes for ANY Li-po battery)
When I first got my Verizon iPhone, I thought CRAP, this phone SUCKS with battery... but using my brain and reading articles allowed me to get my usage time to over 8 hours of usage. This includes Games, Videos, Web Browsing, News apps, Facebook, texts and some phone calls, and over 1 day of standby.
Right now I have 44% on my battery and I havent charged it since Tuesday.
The battery life on the iphone 4 is amazing, but it takes some adjustments of settings to make it that way. When you install an app and it asks you if you want to enable push notifications, as well as location services and you say YES, you just sliced some of your battery off right there.
Oh, and dont even ask how laughable the Thunderbolt battery is. My friend is unable to get 4 hours of use time and barely 9 hours of standby time. He does nothing but complain about the battery. Applications management shows that there are about 57 apps running. 38 of them are Sense related, and the others are bloatware that you cannot disable, because once you do, they restart... this includes VZ navigator (ironic isnt it?) and a ton of other power draining apps.
He is returning his phone to Best Buy today.