BigU Movie users Question for you

BigU Movie users Question for you

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@ jr_way2live: did you get my pm?

Has anyone also been using Media Hub, if so what is the link or the app to be able to us it? I heard that once you reg with BigU you can also use Media Hub which has other stuff apart from movies.
Do I use the same login details for MediaHub that I would use for BigU?
@sony007 I just sent you a PM with the link to get MediaHub. yeah bro MediaHub is awesome. Having access to both bigU Movies app + MediaHub = Is double the pleasure & double the fun.

@jr_way2live I also sent you a PM with their email address. However, I'm sure you received your login already cause my friend forgot to email them and so they automatically emailed him with his login.

Send me ah link to get media hub ne yea they send me my login info
When The Rite get added? I just checked but I did not see it. I saw The Mechanist and the Green Hornet.
I looked under in theatres and have updates as of Feb. 3 and I just don't see The Rite. I have been waiting for this movie and looking for The Roommate to get added.
Hey Sony, we nobody needs your insults. People, including myself are looking for topics that may help answer a question or, help others. Stay off if you have nothing beneficial to add.
so am i correct that i would have to purchase the app for 19.99 before i have access to the full movies ??
no, thats not what im asking.

i installed the app and download what i thought was a movie. however it was just a small preview of the movie. so what im asking is once i pay the 19.99 for the app, will i then have access to the entire movie ?
got it. thanks......

anyone want to share their access login details with us :)
What downloader do you all use? After you watch the movie what do you do with them? I've saved some to the computer, deleted others but wondered what everyone does with them.
Can someone please give me there login info so I don't have to pay the money?
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