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Nov 1, 2010
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I have a jailbreak iPhone for about a year and I've been using BiteSMS for a long time too. Love that application but it bores me that I simply can't apply a new theme or something so I can't change the background color at least...the gray gets me bored!
So I wonder if is there any way to have a theme (Cydia for Instance, I searched and didn't find anything)... Or by other way that I don't know about!
If there is a Way to change this app (not the icon, the icon doesn't matter me, and that I've seen in Cydia), please let me know and teach me how to do it ( or point to a link ).
Thanks a lot
Andrea Oliveira
i heard of this prgram called ColorKeyboard and i heard its great!!:D
Sure you can theme it! I've modified a theme I purchased that also themed biteSMS so that I could have a different colored background (mine is dark work now) and I changed the color of the chat bubbles so (1) I could have blue when on the free iMessage and (2) so the bubble wouldn't be so dark that I couldn't read the font.

Is that what you want, or what you mean?

Quick reply and quick compose background change would be a start. How do I do it?

About the keyboard I know colorkeyboard and even tried it. (I think it delays my writing).

I'm sorry, but I don't know how to theme the quick reply or compose areas. Actually, AFAIK, I don't think anyone does. The only things I've managed to theme are the background in the text area itself (where you see the texts in the app) and the text message bubbles.

Sorry to get your hopes up - my bad in misunderstanding what you wanted.

No problem!
I've seen on google a background as I wanted pink and another transparent... But don't teach us how to do it!

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