Hei! My exboyfriend bothers me, and he has for a year. He doesnt call me, but he sends me text messages. Plenty.. The calls i can ignore, but the texts i just have to read, because their on my phone. He writes ugly threAtening stuff, often when hes drunk, and i saved every message on my 3gs incase i had to go to the police. The phone broke, and i got the 4s, without the "proof". Anyway, i got the iblacklist and the blacklist. (theres no menu in it?!) but all it seems to do is giving the contact a new name (blacked james, for example) the messages still come through......! Does Anyone have any experience with blacklist, what do i do? Is there any other programs? All i can do in iblack and black is add a new contact and see the data base. Help.