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Brand New App Switcher With 'Simplexity' Cydia Tweak


iPhoneForums.net News Team
Jun 15, 2010
Reaction score
Bay Area, CA

Simplexity is an alternative to your native iOS App Switcher. Instead of the bottom area appearing when you double tap the home button, you will now get the Simplexity UI. This allows you to see all of your recently opened applications as well as have a separate menu when swiping to the left with a whole load of options. Here you can change/adjust your brightness, volume, kill apps, lock rotation, iPod Controls and more! If this tweak wasn't buggy it would be a nice little alternative even with the ugly UI. But unfortunately, it takes a few seconds to load and by that time I would like to be within my next app. If you want to check it out or wait for an update, check out Simplexity in the Cydia Store under the Big Boss Repo for $2.99.
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