Brand new iphone - asking for wrong Apple ID

Brand new iphone - asking for wrong Apple ID


Thread Starter
Dec 28, 2011
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Just upgraded. IPhone 7.

Clicked to restore and entered my details. It then asks me for 3 passwords for ID's I have no affiliation with.

Email address edited out.

And a yahoo and AOL.

I've never used these.

I've read that this most likely means an app or song from my back up is affiliated with these ID's but that makes no sense.

Its seems to be a common problem for jail broken phones which I haven't done since my iPhone 4 about 5 years ago.

I was thinking that someone has already been given this phone and then returned and is being passed off as brand new. In which case I'd obviously want to take this back.

After skipping the ID for the 3 emails, it started restoring, but i turned the phone off I was a little unsure if this was risky.

Is it a known glitch? Or has the phone definitely been used by someone else?

Any ideas?

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Write down the email accounts, just to be sure you remember them afterwards.

Go to Settings - General - Reset, and erase all content and settings. If these email addresses were not used as iCloud ID, you'll be able to do it. Erasing will remove everything that's connected to the addresses.
Then try setting it up as new, and if the accounts don't reappear, restore from your backup. If the addresses don't popup again, you'll know that this iPhone has been used before you got it. If they reappear after restoring from your backup, they are somewhere in your backup.
From what I'm reading. I think it'll be an issue with the backup. In which case I'm wondering how to sort that. I'll try backing up to iTunes too and restoring that way in case it's an iCloud bug. Will let u know :-)
My iphone7 did the same thing. After i synced it with itunes the problem was gone.
Ok. Thanks. I did the reset and it's still doing it, so definitely the backup. I tried using iTunes last night but my PC is having internet issues and so it couldn't back up the phone as couldn't connect to iTunes Store or something. Will try again.