Thanks for the responses guys. D3LL, I'll have to check into that on the app itself. iHolophyte: This is not true, I have sent apps, pictures, and contacts many times using this app. This was the first time I tried to use music. I can understand if it if the song was purchased through iTunes and it is copyrighted (or w/e) and cannot be transferred, but what about just a normal music file that was not purchased through iTunes? As far as the views go, at the top of the page where is says Active Topics, click that, it'll go into a normal forum view of a grid and it shows how many views and how many replies the thread has. I didn't mean for that to come off that you may think it sounded, I was just curious that no one had run into this before. I guess not many people like/use this app. I think it's a great app to share information.
I will delete and re-download app and go from there. Thanks for the help.