Cannot send texts or call iphones abroad...

Cannot send texts or call iphones abroad...


New Member
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Dec 10, 2012
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I have recently bought an Australian sim card (Telstra) for my iphone 4. It works fine with ANY phone that is within Australia, but when I want to text or call someone abroad, it only works if that person does NOT have an iphone! I have checked this thoroughly so I am absolutely sure that is the case...
Been to the Telstra shop, sim card is fine, spent a lovely 45 minutes on phone with a guy from Apple tech support but even they had never heard about anything like that.
Could anyone help? I have reset everything, my software is up-to-date... What else could I do/check?
Yep, Ive got enough credit. I tried texting my mates or family in various countries and they recieved my messages alright. Its really only when I try texting people with iphones (again, tried various countries), the sending fails and if I tried calling them, the call does not get through at all...
Just to be clear, those mates or family who recieved my messages do NOT have iphones...
I am having problems with texting too. I do not know the technical name of each kind of text so bare with me. I keep my DATA turned off all the time unless I am going to use it. Hubby and I share a Gig of Data but still we run out. Which is odd since before I had the iPhone we each had 200 MB with our Androids and never ran out, but I digress...I cannot get text from some friends or any picture text unless I have the Data turned on. Does that make sense? I received many photo text on my android while having the Data turned off. Is there an App I need to get or is this just the way it is?? :messages:

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