Can't get past Error 3194

Can't get past Error 3194


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Oct 4, 2012
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I have an iPhone 4 that is running iOS v.5.1.1. It was jailbroken using Absinthe 2. I am trying to restore to an unjailbroken state. Here are the steps I have performed.

1. Remove reference from my hosts file.
2. Connect phone to computer and open iTunes.
3. Set phone to DFU mode.
4. Perform Shift-Restore using file "iPhone3,1_5.1.1_9B206_Restore.ipsw".

It always returns Error 3194 when it is verifying with Apple. I'm stuck and suggestions would be appreciated.
I have an iPhone 4 that is running iOS v.5.1.1. It was jailbroken using Absinthe 2. I am trying to restore to an unjailbroken state. Here are the steps I have performed.

1. Remove reference from my hosts file.
2. Connect phone to computer and open iTunes.
3. Set phone to DFU mode.
4. Perform Shift-Restore using file "iPhone3,1_5.1.1_9B206_Restore.ipsw".

It always returns Error 3194 when it is verifying with Apple. I'm stuck and suggestions would be appreciated.

That version of iOS is no longer being signed. So you can't restore it that way. You have two choices. Create your own custom IPSW with stitched blobs, hopefully you kept them, or install iOS 6 which is the current version being signed.
Please excuse my ignorance, but could you point me to a tutorial on creating a custom IPSW with stitched blobs?
Please excuse my ignorance, but could you point me to a tutorial on creating a custom IPSW with stitched blobs?

Have you saved either in Cydia or your PC you SHSH blobs...? without those your only option is IOS 6.0...
I would suggest going thru the sticky threads. Personally, I don't jailbreak. But I have read what the support staff here has done and they know their stuff. So answer is in one of those threads.
As has already been mentioned, you must have your saved SHSH Blobs to be able to restore a 5.x firmware on the iPhone4.

Now that IOS6 is out with a new baseband, you must also use a custom firmware with the baseband stripped out. For ease you can also stitch in your blobs to completely avoid any chance of a 3194 error because your hosts file is not correct.

You have 2 choices. Most folks on Windows seem to prefer sn0wbreeze, and it work very well. Personally, I use redsn0w on both my Mac and Windows machines. Here is a quick guide to get it done in redsn0w...

Download a copy of 5.1.1 from the relevant link on our firmware thread here -

Download the latest redsn0w from the iPhone Dev-Team blog for your platform, and run it.
Go to Extras menu > Custom IPSW select the firmware you downloded.
redsn0w will then strip the baseband from it and create a new firmware file in the same folder as the stock 5.1.1 file you used. This custom firmware file will have NO_BB_ in the file name.

Then in Extras > SHSH Blobs > Stitch > IPSW select your new custom firmware.
Next, select "Local" (if your blobs are saved via TinyUmbrella) or "Remote" (if your blobs are saved with Cydia) and let redsn0w stitch the appropriate blobs into the firmware file.

Once this is done you have a signed custom firmware without a baseband which will install on the iPhone4 to which the blobs belong without needing to verify anything with Apple.

Finally, the key to getting this installed is remembering you MUST use pwned DFU mode. Not standard DFU.
Go back to the Extras menu in redsn0w and press "Pwned DFU" and follow that through.

Then you can open iTunes and press option-restore (OSX) or shift-restore (Windows) and select the Custom IPSW with stiched blobs which redsn0w created. The filename will have your blob identifier at the beginning, so make sure you choose the right one.

If all goes well, you should then get 5.1.1 installed onto the iPhone4.

Good luck!
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Thank you f4780y so much for this detailed explanation and for your clarity!

I've been tearing my hair out trying to clear down 5.1.1 on my iPhone 4 (due to crashes, etc.) and re-installing it and I can now see what I was doing wrong.

I wasn't creating and installing the correct modified IPSW.

I only had one problem; you said:

Then in Extras > SHSH Blobs > IPSW select your new custom firmware."

...but it should have read:

Then in Extras > SHSH Blobs > Stitch > IPSW select your new custom firmware

That said, it was a great post - thanks again!
Thank you f4780y so much for this detailed explanation and for your clarity!

I've been tearing my hair out trying to clear down 5.1.1 on my iPhone 4 (due to crashes, etc.) and re-installing it and I can now see what I was doing wrong.

I wasn't creating and installing the correct modified IPSW.

I only had one problem; you said:

...but it should have read:

Then in Extras > SHSH Blobs > Stitch > IPSW select your new custom firmware

That said, it was a great post - thanks again!

Thanks for the correction. I've updated the post. Cheers!

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