Charging your phone and tablets, how do you do it?

Charging your phone and tablets, how do you do it?


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Apr 6, 2012
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Can we discuss how we charge our phones and other devices? Conveniently for me, I'm an Apple fan boy and have almost completely switched over to lightning cables. I still have one old 30-pin adapter for a few of our old iPads and touches.

The other day I was at the Apple Store and picked up a couple of these docks. Mostly they just look cool but they do have an earphone jack in the back so you can use it to hook up an iPhone 7/7plus to an audio system. My audio system is right under the shelf pictured in my photos below. I can use the dock to hook my iPhone 7 to my system. It works great and sounds good.

So anyway, to answer my OP I have a bunch of power bricks plugged in below the shelf and leave the cords on the shelf for my kids and guests to plug into. If you noticed I colored one red with a permanent marker to mark it as a 12watt charger so people know which one has more power.

Here's a picture of the black dock. It matches the matte black iPhone 7 perfectly.

Here is our charging shelf that everything gets thrown on at least once a week to get charged up.

Another pic of same shelf.

Are you happy with your charging practices? How often do you have to charge?
Most our iPads get charged once a week. My iPhone I charge every other day always. My son charges his iPad daily because he uses it so much.
We also have a few chargers scattered around the house but the ones photoed above are the main ones.
I have a stand for my iPhone and watch beside my bed.... I charge them every night. I just use the cable that came with my iPad and only charge it maybe twice a week... I not a very heavy user‍♀️...
I can take a picture of my stand for my phone and watch later.
I use the standard big block charger. I charge my phone daily. If I try to go 2 days it'll die before the 2nd day is over. I walk in the door from work and throw my phone on the charger since I'm on the iPad at home instead of iPhone. Phone is usually charged by dinner and I remove it from charger until next day, yada yada yada. iPad will last a week or more and I throw it on at night when I go to bed as needed. No fancy gimmicks or setups :( One standard big block for both. I use my iPod as my music source in my car, and since it's hardwired in and controlled from the car stereo, it never leaves the center console. Ever. Been there a few years now haha. I can't even remember the last time I even looked at it :D

EDIT: Forgot about my iWatch. I throw it on charger it came with every day after work too. I usually swim and BBQ after work anyways, so I don't use it in the evenings.
I have an Anker 4-port 40W charger I leave plugged-in on my desktop at home. It has Lightning cables for phone and tablet plugged in, and a micro-USB cable for miscellaneous other stuff. My wife's desk has separate power cubes for her iPad and phone.

Charging regimen is that if it's fallen to or below 70% it goes on the charger. With our Android devices we used to occasionally run them until exhaustion to re-train the devices on their battery profile. Haven't yet researched if that's a good idea or necessary with Apple devices.
I have an Anker 4-port 40W charger I leave plugged-in on my desktop at home. It has Lightning cables for phone and tablet plugged in, and a micro-USB cable for miscellaneous other stuff. My wife's desk has separate power cubes for her iPad and phone.

Charging regimen is that if it's fallen to or below 70% it goes on the charger. With our Android devices we used to occasionally run them until exhaustion to re-train the devices on their battery profile. Haven't yet researched if that's a good idea or necessary with Apple devices.
I have given you several commentaries from Apple saying it is not a good idea...
See posts 84 through 88 in the thread I don't know how to use my 6s
That was a single comment you made and it was an assertion that "Apple says," with no cites. It's not that I do not believe you, but, unsubstantiated assertions do not "commentaries from" make :)

Just so you know: Not that I cannot be wrong, but, I've been doing electrical, electronics, various forms of radio, and "computer stuff" for a very long time. Including most forms of rechargeable battery technology. So I'm not a n00b at this kind of thing.

The "good idea" comment didn't relate to the battery, itself, but, more to the device's handling of a full discharge. I don't know if this is true of (any) iPhones or iPads, but, some Android devices have been known to go comatose if you did that. Sometimes permanently.
That was a single comment you made and it was an assertion that "Apple says," with no cites. It's not that I do not believe you, but, unsubstantiated assertions do not "commentaries from" make :)

Just so you know: Not that I cannot be wrong, but, I've been doing electrical, electronics, various forms of radio, and "computer stuff" for a very long time. Including most forms of rechargeable battery technology. So I'm not a n00b at this kind of thing.

The "good idea" comment didn't relate to the battery, itself, but, more to the device's handling of a full discharge. I don't know if this is true of (any) iPhones or iPads, but, some Android devices have been known to go comatose if you did that. Sometimes permanently.

That was an often cited quote from this, obviously you prefer to read it yourself. Batteries - Maximizing Performance

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