Interesting. Getting old AT&T sims off eBay before you can even activate - is the quasi-'non-legit' part I knew would be part of this equation if we kept digging

. AT&T doesn't authorize old sims to be sold on eBay. But it's not 'too illegit' in this "hacker" climate we live in in the phone world today. It's just the average person will not go for this routine. The young guys who like to "get around" things will love this method and that's what Straight Talk is counting on. Does it seem "normative" that a company like Straight Talk would have to then put in their instructions, "now you have to go to eBay and find yourself an
old AT&T sim card to even get activated with an iPhone...". There's no "take the phone home, activate it, and start using it" option with Straight Talk it appears.
Again, I say - this is NOT really an option for the average Joe wanting to get started with an iPhone. It's more of an "off the beaten" trail, "way around the norm", sorta thing. Now for ME - this is awesome news. But this is NOT an option for the average person and I have a feeling there's no family plan option with them either which all the major companies offer. And then also you can't walk into an Apple Store and tell them you want an iPhone ready to go with StraightTalk as the carrier. You'd have to buy a factory unlocked phone which is very expensive new. Even then - you'd still have to find an old AT&T sim on eBay to even get activated. That alone tells you this deal with StraightTalk has an non-legit feel to it even if it's "technically" legal.
I do however like the idea that something like this is now available and creates more and more competition that drives prices down for the consumer. I just wish StraightTalk had a more "legit-feeing" activation process to it. As of now they don't.
Thanks for all your information, Mr.Mischief. We're at the point where we'll have to agree to disagree on whether this is a "normative viable" option for the average iPhone 4S user. I would not recommend it to my parents or business associates. But to my "poor" 20-year old son? - sure. This will work for him (and for his techie loving Dad).. LOL!!!