Compile a List of Your iPhone Imperfection

Compile a List of Your iPhone Imperfection

Just noticed a pretty deep short scratch on the top right hand corner while changing my screen protector from Anti Glare to clear. Hmm....
unicornWaste said:
Just noticed a pretty deep short scratch on the top right hand corner while changing my screen protector from Anti Glare to clear. Hmm....

Do you just happen to stare at your phone? Just asking.

All this is coming from a guy who used a Brillo pad on his phone. Lol. My phone has no imperfections. It's perfect.

Hahahaha.... Mine too, I s'pose, but can yours do Flash video? Or access to Windows-type folders? Mine neither. But still, it rocks!
iCrank said:
Do you just happen to stare at your phone? Just asking.


Yurp. Well, while i was cleaning it before reinstalling a new protector. Idc tho because it is just a phone.
EWyatt said:
Hahahaha.... Mine too, I s'pose, but can yours do Flash video? Or access to Windows-type folders? Mine neither. But still, it rocks!

I don't need any of that. @ unicorn for someone who doesn't care about phones you sure love the beautification of it. Lol.

The new 4s has a new screen that's finger mark proof so they say ha
Ya think they'd make them scratch proof
No wonder it takes so long for new iPhones to be released
seanritchie73 said:
The new 4s has a new screen that's finger mark proof so they say ha
Ya think they'd make them scratch proof
No wonder it takes so long for new iPhones to be released

U mean that 4s is pinged mark proof.then is the new iPod 4 also the same
I have a little light gap on the back plate coming through on one side of the phone. The phone is brand new. I looked it up, and I guess the white iphone 4 has a light leak problem straight form factory? The Genius at the Apple store, totally down played it saying he can't promise the replacement won't have the same problem. What happened to quality control at Apple? ...*sigh*...first Apple phone, and I love it...just can't understand how they would let this slip by. Totally shocked coming from a company that does SO WELL in the quality department.
Now have a cluster of about 3 (it appears because they are so close together) stuck/dead pixels. Nothing to stress about.

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