Here's my concern.... My calendar of events is store in the Google calendar. Are most Google apps available for the iPhones so I don't have to change apps or change where my data is stored as my PC has already been setup to use my days from my Google account? Right now I have not made the switch I'm only considering the change as I'm going to need hearing aids and the aids have been integrated with the iPhone so that they work together and they can't with the Android.
I am legally deaf and have powerful Resound hearing Aids which I have been using for 2 years. The Apps installed both on the iPhone and also the Apple watch and is without question amazing . I can understand your concern however as a guideline think of this as moving house. When you move one throws out a lot of stuff you don't need or haven't used so you end up with what you really want. I would purge your current phone and remove what you haven't or do not need and then list the 10 apps you use all the time. Check the iOS App store and you most likely find the same or equivalent. I use google for calendar, gmail, and contacts and have no issues. There are apps available to convert from Android to iOS and i am sure one of our team will assist with that. You can also load office for iOS assuming you have office 365 on your PC
Hope that helps
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