Connecting unlocked/jailbroken iphone with new compouter

Connecting unlocked/jailbroken iphone with new compouter


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Nov 20, 2011
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hey guys i got an iphone 3gs second hand from a friend and i want to sync it with my itunes but i get the message "this iphone is synced with another itunes library..." and basically i have to erase everything to sync with my computer
my phone is unlocked and jailbroken, my question is: will i lose all my apps and contacts but most importantly will i lose my unlock and jailbreak if i sync with my computer?

those apps, contacts, songs, videos, photos, files, present on the iPhone are not your stuff but your friends stuff. when you sync your iPhone to your computer, it will erase everything single data from the phone and replace it with the one you are having in your iTunes. You can login your iTunes account, and download your applications to iTunes and then sync them to your phone, same to your contacts, you can get them from gmail, or outlook and sync them to your iPhone, same to music videos etc... but you are going to loose everything actually present in the phone since iTunes think that they are not yours. Syncing your iPhone to your computer will not damage your jailbreak or you unlock, restoring the phone using iTunes or whatever is what can damage your jailbreak and your unlock.

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