Consumer Report Ranks iPhone 5 Below Other Top Smartphones

Consumer Report Ranks iPhone 5 Below Other Top Smartphones


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Jun 18, 2010
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Business Insider reports today that the consumer body and product reviewer Consumer Reports, which seldom pulls its punches where Apple products are concerned, has shown that it is rather underwhelmed by the iPhone 5 in its February issue. In particular, in Consumer Reports’ lab tests, the AT&T and Sprint versions of the iPhone 5 came behind LG’s Optimus G (I so wanted to write Prime there!) Android phone, and Samsung’s Galaxy SIII Android phone. When looking at Verizon smartphones, Consumer Reports ranks the iPhone 5 even lower, behind Motorola’s Droid Razr Maxx and Droid Razr HD Android phones, and the Samsung Galaxy S III Android phone. So should Apple be worried about this? Well, although the Business Insider article says that this “must feel like a bit of a slap in the face” for Apple, and even suggests that Apple should be “cranking on the iPhone 6”, if you look at the actual scores it tells a slightly less panic-inducing story, with just two points separating the iPhone 5 from the top-scoring phones. I doubt that Apple will be quaking in its books just yet at those scores!

[FONT=&quot]Source: [/FONT]Consumer Reports iPhone 5 - Business Insider
it as long been a sport to claim this or that handset is better than Apple, i think other makers have improved the hardware they are shackled by the spongy android os and lack of quality control over the app's.

imho if you stay stock then you will better avoid the dodgy or troublesome app's locking up your handset etc. and after being a windows mobile user and advocate it is an important part of the whole package for me.
nothing new about this. unless that is you have your head in the sand. with apple stocks dropping and samsung stocks rising it's a no brainer. and if your still in doubt then a google search will show you the light. the people have spoken.
as for me personally i could care less which phone the masses think is better. i just know that my GS3 does everything i need it to do and more. were as the iphone..... well lets just say it falls short of my needs. but hey i have very high needs, if you not like me then an iphone will work, it not a bad phone it's just limited.
Best-selling smartphone 2012: Galaxy S III takes iPhone’s crown in Q3 | BGR
Galaxy S III Sales Trump iPhone To Becomes Best-Selling U.S. Smartphone
iPhone no longer world's best selling smartphone | Fox News
Galaxy S3 takes No. 1 position in smartphone market: research | Reuters
nothing new about this. unless that is you have your head in the sand. with apple stocks dropping and samsung stocks rising it's a no brainer. and if your still in doubt then a google search will show you the light. the people have spoken.

And with Apple just achieving dominance in the market at 53% of all smartphone sales, the people have indeed spoken.
So BusinessInsider feel that this must feel like a slap in the face, because BusinessInsider's article rates The iPhone below the competition? Sounds very much like circular reasoning to me. I think I'll go take a look at CNET and see if they are front paging this revelation.
And with Apple just achieving dominance in the market at 53% of all smartphone sales, the people have indeed spoken.

Thats because when the first iphone was released it was true innovation. People loved it. All the way up to the iphone 4. And then apple got lazy with the 4s and now the 5 so they are declining. By the end of this year they will not be the leading smartphone company
Thats because when the first iphone was released it was true innovation. People loved it. All the way up to the iphone 4. And then apple got lazy with the 4s and now the 5 so they are declining. By the end of this year they will not be the leading smartphone company

Lazy w/ the 4S?!? How do you explain the 3G to 3GS jump then?
I dont have to explain it lol. Its the first time thwy did that with the 3gs so nobody would bat an eye lid. There were no proper rival phones at that point. Im sorry but apple fanboys are deluded. Thwy get excited about sod all new features that apple introduce. Have you seen aoples latest iphone advert? It sells the fact that it has a noise cancelling mic built in for when your on the phone. Somethibg most phones havr had for years.
I dont have to explain it lol. Its the first time thwy did that with the 3gs so nobody would bat an eye lid. There were no proper rival phones at that point. Im sorry but apple fanboys are deluded. Thwy get excited about sod all new features that apple introduce. Have you seen aoples latest iphone advert? It sells the fact that it has a noise cancelling mic built in for when your on the phone. Somethibg most phones havr had for years.
So, you don't have to explain it... then you give your explanation. Explain something else for me, please. What is your point? Are you trying to educate, discriminate, or just turn people off of Apple?
I don't even read consumers report but now a days well atleast in the area I see a lot more iPhone users than android users

Agreed. Of our friends and family I'd say 98% have iPhones. A lot of them have older models too.

~Tech Obsessed Mom~
iPhone 5 - Black - 16GB

"Be nice to people on your way up because you'll meet them on your way down." - Wilson Mizner

Tapatalk Yo! :)
as with anything i buy of substantial cost i would only read such reports as part of pre buying. i keep my eye on the competition but it has to be very competitive to make me 'switch horses' (or burgers if you like lol!).

i have a lot invested in my ip4s in accessory add on's that even if i went iPhone 5 most would be useless, so if i change maker then i'd have to add the cost of the app's which would be all but useless, so what value in reality are these reports?

if. throw in the battery life of my ip4s and my ipad2 those reports become even less intersting to me, thats not being a fanboy, just pragmatic!
I remember reading this article when the Samsung Note came out stating that they sold 2 million phones in a few month period. Well, the article also stated that Apple blew them out of the water with iPhone 4S sales. Someone stated in an earlier post that Apple users have spoke by buying their product and its true. I myself own nothing but apple products and Apple products haven't failed me yet!!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
It is funny seeing phones which probably won't be relevant after one year on top of their list.

Don't get me wrong, the Optimus G is a great phone. I've played around with it and it is really fast/smooth. The problem is, once LG releases their next big device, who knows whether or not they would continue to support it.

I have friends who bought the G2X and friends who bought the LG Thrill. All of them are stuck in Gingerbread (with Key Lime Pie around the corner). These are phones which released in mid-late 2011.

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