pianoman said:
Is it faster in transfer rates than Wifi too - using USB? Then how do you SSH via USB?
Well it depends. Wifi SSH can be fast and stable and everything if you have a really good wifi connection. I just don't see the point in installing yet another extension so you can SSH when SSH is automatically with afc2ad.
But there is a risk of file corruption for wifi SSH. Rare...but it can happen.
All you need for USB SSH is a jailbroken iDevice..a USB cable and a computer.
My favorite USB SSH clients are:
There are others, but those are the best.
Simply download i-FunBox or iTools (if you can find the English version that is).
Then plug in iPhone, and open up the program.
Instant access to the raw file system seconds after you plug in your phone.
Nothing needs to be installed from Cydia.
Just plug in phone
Open i-FunBox
Instant access.
OpenSSH is a wast of time IMO.
Who's wants to "log in" every time they want to transfer files between computer and iPhone when all you have to do is plug in and open a program?lol.