Custom Notification Center Background With 'Custom NC Background' Cydia Tweak

Custom Notification Center Background With 'Custom NC Background' Cydia Tweak

PhilSynowiec News Team
Thread Starter
Jun 15, 2010
Reaction score
Bay Area, CA

Custom NC Background is a tweak that will do exactly like the title says, allow you to add a custom Notification Center background. Normally, you would have to SSH into your iDevice, replace some files, delete some files, etc. and it would just be a long process that was not needed. This tweak makes it easier for you by allowing you to just choose and image from your camera roll. If the image is too small or the incorrect resolution, this tweak has an option to stretch it for you. You even have a choice of taking a photo to add as your Notification Center wallpaper right within the tweak! Custom NC Background can be found in the Cydia Store for FREE under the Big Boss Repo.​
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I was waiting for something like this....awesome tweak!

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Great tweak, i will be looking for it once i untether JB my iPhone. I'm tired of the default wallpaper in the stock notification center.

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