Difference between saving SHSH blobs vs preserving baseband

Difference between saving SHSH blobs vs preserving baseband


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Aug 14, 2012
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I would like to know what would be the difference between saving a SHSH blob and preserving a baseband. Are they both one and the same? BTW i have iPhone 4 ios 5.1.1 with 04.12.01 firmware. I have also saved custom Ipsw using red snow. Should i also be saving my blobs?

Avi :)
No, they are quite different...

Think of SHSH Blobs as a "ticket" which authorises you to install a particular version of IOS on your device. Without a valid ticket there is no way to get that version installed under any circumstances.
You should always save your blobs as "good practice". You never know when they might come in handy. If you are currently using Cydia, it will be saving your blobs for you. You can see them at the top of the Cydia home page in green text. Alternatively, you can use TinyUmbrella to save them to your PC.

The baseband on your device is the modem firmware software, which is normally included as part of an overall version of IOS. That is the software which controls the telephony part of the device. It runs separately from the operating system. iPhones may be purchased locked or unlocked. If you have a factory unlocked iPhone you never need to worry about the baseband or preserving it, since it will always remain unlocked. Equally, if you are perfectly happy with the carrier you phone is locked to then you never normally need to worry about preserving the baseband of the phone either.

However, if you have a locked phone which you are keen to have unlocked, it is sometimes possible to unlock it (depending on the version of the baseband) using software, such as ultrasn0w, or hardware such as a SIM imposter. It all depends on the version of the baseband.

If you are lucky enough to have a baseband which can be unlocked by software or hardware and you rely on the unlock for the phone to operate, it is VERY important that you preserve the baseband. That means you must prevent it being updated when you update to a new version of IOS. Each new version of IOS typically has a new version of the baseband included in it, which will inevitably patch vulnerabilities which allow it to be unlocked.

In order to preserve the baseband, you normally use a tool such as redsn0w or sn0wbreeze to remove / strip the new baseband from the IOS firmware file you want to restore (making it a custom firmware) and then install this custom firmware using a special restore process (using pwndDFU). That will install a new version of IOS but leave your old (unlockable) baseband intact, hence preserving it.

We have lots of useful stickies on these subjects if you need more information. Please read them! :D

Hope that clarifies.
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Thanks a ton for the detailed explanation.. if i have understood correctly..

SHSH blobs acts as a "key" to install any particular version of IOS on the device i.e used to downgrade/restore prior IOS of our choice. This needs to be saved, since apple won't be signing older ones, once they update to latest IOS.

Baseband has got more to do with unlocking part of the phone. Save the unlockable firmware by creating custom ipsw. So this helps me retain the unlockable firmware, but update to latest IOS.

I have saved my blobs using TU and preserved baseband using redsn0w.

If i downgrade to prior version of IOS (by saved blobs. Lets say from 5.1.1 to 4.1), then this will surely install corresponding older modem firmware. Would there be a possibility that this firmware is not unlockable and my phone gets locked to its carrier provider? or older firmwares are always unlockable?

Thanks again

Avi :)
Sorry i forgot to ask this.. How frequently should i save blobs?

Avi :)
Thanks a ton for the detailed explanation.. if i have understood correctly..

SHSH blobs acts as a "key" to install any particular version of IOS on the device i.e used to downgrade/restore prior IOS of our choice. This needs to be saved, since apple won't be signing older ones, once they update to latest IOS.

Baseband has got more to do with unlocking part of the phone. Save the unlockable firmware by creating custom ipsw. So this helps me retain the unlockable firmware, but update to latest IOS.

I have saved my blobs using TU and preserved baseband using redsn0w.

If i downgrade to prior version of IOS (by saved blobs. Lets say from 5.1.1 to 4.1), then this will surely install corresponding older modem firmware. Would there be a possibility that this firmware is not unlockable and my phone gets locked to its carrier provider? or older firmwares are always unlockable?

Thanks again

Avi :)

Baseband firmware works independently... in most cases once you have updated baseband firmware it will stay constant regardless of firmware you install...in your case if you went from 5.1.1 to 4.1 your baseband will still be 04.12.01...
Bula said:
Baseband firmware works independently... in most cases once you have updated baseband firmware it will stay constant regardless of firmware you install...in your case if you went from 5.1.1 to 4.1 your baseband will still be 04.12.01...

+1, baseband is not downgradeable
Sorry i forgot to ask this.. How frequently should i save blobs?

Avi :)

SHSH blobs can only be saved for the current firmware signed by Apple... which at this point in time is IOS 5.1.1
Bula said:
SHSH blobs can only be saved for the current firmware signed by Apple... which at this point in time is IOS 5.1.1

They are still signing 4.1 for pre A4 devices. (3GS, iPT3G,etc)

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