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Does TinyUmbrella still work?


New Member
Sep 6, 2016
Reaction score
I've installed TinyUmbrella 9.3.4 on several PCs, with different windows versions, and on all of them the installation seems to work, and the program starts, but it seems to just load some libraries during a splash screen and then nothing happens. I never get a window to do anything in.

I've tried running it as an administrator and connected the iphone first. I'm doing the "TinyUmbrella [WIN 64 Installer Bundled JRE]" that comes with the java files:
The Firmware Umbrella – TinyUmbrella | iOS, Android, hacking/jailbreaking information

There is an error.txt with this:
Using Java v1.8.0_102 32 bit
Loaded JAR:C:\Users\test\.tu\.cache\jglooks.ja_
Loaded JAR:C:\Users\test\.tu\.cache\jgcommon.ja_
Loaded JAR:C:\Users\test\.tu\.cache\btip.ja_
Loaded JAR:C:\Users\test\.tu\.cache\glist.ja_
Loaded JAR:C:\Users\test\.tu\.cache\tnail.ja_
Loaded JAR:C:\Users\test\.tu\.cache\jna.ja_
Loaded JAR:C:\Users\test\.tu\.cache\jdom.ja_
Loaded JAR:C:\Users\test\.tu\.cache\lang3.ja_
Loaded JAR:C:\Users\test\.tu\.cache\compress.ja_
Loaded JAR:C:\Users\test\.tu\.cache\xz.ja_
Loaded JAR:C:\Users\test\.tu\.cache\formsrt.ja_
Loaded JAR:C:\Users\test\.tu\.cache\jgforms.ja_
Loaded JAR:C:\Users\test\.tu\.cache\asmc.ja_
Loaded JAR:C:\Users\test\.tu\.cache\asmt.ja_
Loaded JAR:C:\Users\test\.tu\.cache\asm.ja_
Loaded JAR:C:\Users\test\.tu\.cache\l4j.ja_
Loaded JAR:C:\Users\test\.tu\.cache\slfl4jbind.ja_
Loaded JAR:C:\Users\test\.tu\.cache\slfapi.ja_
Loaded JAR:C:\Users\test\.tu\.cache\slfjcl.ja_
Loaded JAR:C:\Users\test\.tu\.cache\json.ja_
Loaded JAR:C:\Users\test\.tu\.cache\jsonm.ja_
Loaded JAR:C:\Users\test\.tu\.cache\jsona.ja_
Loaded JAR:C:\Users\test\.tu\.cache\bc.ja_
Loaded JAR:C:\Users\test\.tu\.cache\g.ja_

and a tinyumbrella.txt with this:
log4j: reset attribute= "false".
log4j: Threshold ="null".
log4j: Level value for root is [INFO].
log4j: root level set to INFO
log4j: Class name: [org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender]
log4j: Parsing layout of class: "org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout"
log4j: Setting property [conversionPattern] to [%d{dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss} %5p %c{1} - %m%n].
log4j: Adding appender named [console] to category [root].
06 Sep 2016 09:54:38 INFO DeviceInfoService - Loaded 0 known devices
06 Sep 2016 09:54:38 ERROR TinyAppBuilder - Unable to create application
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.jgoodies.looks.windows.WindowsLookAndFeel
at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
at java.lang.Class.forName(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.SwingUtilities.loadSystemClass(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.UIManager.setLookAndFeel(Unknown Source)
at com.semaphore.tu.TinyAppWin.preCreate(TinyAppWin.java:15)
at com.semaphore.tu.TinyApp.preInit(TinyApp.java:123)
at com.semaphore.tu.TinyAppBuilder.buildTinyApp(TinyAppBuilder.java:45)
at com.semaphore.tu.TinyApp.start(TinyApp.java:96)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
at com.semaphore.tu.TinyLoader.main(TinyLoader.java:80)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
at com.exe4j.runtime.LauncherEngine.launch(LauncherEngine.java:62)
at com.exe4j.runtime.WinLauncher.main(WinLauncher.java:101)
06 Sep 2016 09:54:38 INFO TinyApp - TinyApp initialized com.semaphore.tu.TinyAppWin

Anybody know what could be causing this? Is there someplace I can get older versions to try?
Welcome to iPhoneForums!

It looks like you're using the 32 bit version of Java, so that can't be the reason for your problem.
If you're using a firewall, disable it when you work with TinyUmbrella.
If you changed the location of the folder where TinyUmbrella saves files, you've broken the path, so TinyUmbrella won't start.
You could also try right clicking on the icon, then select Properties, and run it in compatibility mode.
Windows Defender just identified it on one of the computers as a Trojan and removed the exe. I kind of figure this is because it's a bit of a hack used to back up SHSHs for jailbreaking. But just in case, this is the correct and trusted source for TinyUmbrella right?
The Firmware Umbrella – TinyUmbrella | iOS, Android, hacking/jailbreaking information

with download links on the right that point to:

I disabled windows defender and reinstalled, but no change. (This is a fresh WIN10 install, so there's no other anti-virus).

I also installed on a Win7 and an XP machine, and see the exact same behavor on all 3. The program appears to start for a second with a splash screen, but then no application window appears.

edit: I also tried a few compatibility settings on the Win10 machine, trying compatibility to Win8, Win7, disable high DPI, and running as administrator.
Last edited:
Turned off Windows Firewall for private and public networks, re-installed, no change.

I'm looking to jailbreak a 9.3.2 iphone and wanted to backup my shsh before I did so I can go back to a non-jailbroken firmware if I need to. Is there any other way to do this? Is there any way to get older versions of TinyUmbrella to see if they work?
What you're trying to do is impossible. TinyUmbrella doesn't use whatever's installed on your iPhone, but which iOS is signed by Apple right now. This is 9.3.4 and 9.3.5 for iPhone 4s and later, both can't be jailbroken.
The link we're providing at iPhoneForums is almost the same: The Firmware Umbrella – TinyUmbrella | iOS, Android, hacking/jailbreaking information

The firewall is not an antivirus program, you'll have to look at Windows Firewall and turn it off when you try using TinyUmbrelly.
Well... What's actually happening is that both jgcommon.ja_ and jglooks.ja_ are 0 bytes long. I am not sure where these files are fetched from, but what's actually donloaded is good for nothing. Of course, I tried deleiting the .cache folder several times, and every time all the other files are fetched properly and jgcommon and jglooks aren't.
An interesting development: I sniffed the network traffic during startup and found that the missing files are jgoodies looks 2.7.0 and jgoodies common 1.8.1. Just google for both, download and copy the files to the .ts\.cache folder within your user directory. Rename them as jglooks.ja_ and jgcommon.ja_ and tinyumbrella will start. It still doesn't recognize my phone, but may be it is because of some problem with itunes (I am upgrading it right now).
Let us know how it goes.
It works. I am attaching to this post both files. Just copy tham to the .tu\.cache folder and that's it. Itunes must be updated (this was the reason why it didn't work at first). BTW, this version lacks the TSS server functionality.


  • cache.zip
    119.4 KB · Views: 9,384
An interesting development: I sniffed the network traffic during startup and found that the missing files are jgoodies looks 2.7.0 and jgoodies common 1.8.1. Just google for both, download and copy the files to the .ts\.cache folder within your user directory. Rename them as jglooks.ja_ and jgcommon.ja_ and tinyumbrella will start. It still doesn't recognize my phone, but may be it is because of some problem with itunes (I am upgrading it right now).

I imagine TU is failing to fetch these libraries because jgoodies.com is no longer offering them for free, likely breaking the links TU used. I tried using older versions that jgoodies.com still offers, but they would just get overwritten with new 0 byte files.

mvnrepository.com had copies. In any case, thank you gboado for figuring this out. I haven't tested with a phone yet, but TU is loading.

I know this post is solved but I would like to ask for the help of gboado or forjailbreak (or anyone else who can help) to be so kind as to attach the whole .tu file.

I'm asking this because I'm having problems with renaming the archives from jgoodies (actually it's jgoodies looks). I tried renaming it using a PC and a MAC with no success at all....

The problem is even thou I rename jgoodies looks to jglooks.ja_ the archive is still recgonized as .jar and not .ja_

I know, i know, jgoodies is actually a java library so that's the reason it is a .jar archive but the problem is that even thou I put the "new" jglooks.ja_ in the .tu > .cache folder TinyUmbrella still persists in fetching a new jglooks.ja_ file. TinyUmbrella totally ignores the presence of jgoodies new "jglooks.ja_" because is a .jar archive so it tries to fetch the old jglooks.ja_ of 0 (zero) bytes.

I'm explaining all this because the work around for this situation is simple but it seems that I'm quite unlucky to get a issue like that and I also didn't wanna ask for the you guys to simply mouth feed me thinking me as a lazzy person. Please help me downgrade my phone, I'm not lazy I'm just having some bad problems here.

Thanks for any future feedback :))))
I imagine TU is failing to fetch these libraries because jgoodies.com is no longer offering them for free, likely breaking the links TU used. I tried using older versions that jgoodies.com still offers, but they would just get overwritten with new 0 byte files.

mvnrepository.com had copies. In any case, thank you gboado for figuring this out. I haven't tested with a phone yet, but TU is loading.
he shared only the jgforms and the jgcommon file also you need to download this file
Maven Repository: com.jgoodies » jgoodies-looks » 2.7.0

and rename it as jglooks.ja_ and replace it in order for the program to start.
had to sign up for this forum just to say thank you for sharing your solution it helped me very much :)
Vertigooooooo I do know that he only shared those two files and I'm suposed to download jgoodies.

My point was that even when I do what you said (rename the file) TU still does not work.

Since images speaks more than a thousand words I'll print my .tu folder for you to see.

And if you can please share you .tu folder with me, I would be really grateful if you do :)


  • aaaa.png
    144.1 KB · Views: 3,289
I'm trying to make tiny umbrella work in windows 10 with different intentions.

Where can I go download these items. I went to the website, but don't know how download them.

Now, I can't download the umbrella correctly, virus detection.