Don't ned the cloud, Don't use it

Don't ned the cloud, Don't use it


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Sep 18, 2012
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N. E. Ohio
OK, for a while I was letting my iPad sync to the cloud. At least I thought it was. But I couldn't tell! I don't know what it was doing but think last sync in March has got to be wrong.

So I get my iPhone 5 and like an idiot I think this is going to work fine. Well, a couple of times it did but most of the time it didn't.

So I decided to: 1. Go into gmail, clean up all my useless contacts. 2. Synch iPhone with a cable attached to my computer. 3. Do same with iPad.

Maybe more work but it sure brings sanity back to my contacts. Well, not the ones who are already insane, I'm talking about at least knowing their names

Maybe I don't understand the Cloud. I have a cloud I keep my music in. Sometimes things get crazy in that. Duplicate songs appear for no reason, Amazon feels the need to make my mp3's better. But that's all I want.

Now if anyone can explain to me in simple English what it is I don't get from storage in the clouds, I will be happy to listen.
By properly using iCloud, you do not have to worry about backups.
It's a set it and forget it feature....
No worries about being home and having to sync w/PC or Mac.

If you lose you device or it gets damaged to the point you have to replace it, it's less stress, no wondering "do I have a recent backup with all those cool photos and new contacts"?
By properly using iCloud, you do not have to worry about backups.
It's a set it and forget it feature....
No worries about being home and having to sync w/PC or Mac.

If you lose you device or it gets damaged to the point you have to replace it, it's less stress, no wondering "do I have a recent backup with all those cool photos and new contacts"?
Sharing your Photo Streams with friends and family effortlessly is one of my favourites
Consistency across all iDevices you own
No need for any shonky Google or Amazon products
I hear all kinds of companies now saying they have a cloud, clouds for contacts, clouds for music, clouds for this and clouds for that. It's not the same cloud as Apples, it's only a name they are using to market something that's more like a mirage than a cloud. One thing to mention is with more and more cloud "backups" comes more and data use if settings allow cellular use instead of only wifi, locked and plugged. There is a difference in iCloud back up and in its sending info to the cloud. Check your settings, I found out the hard way.

With Apples iCloud you get Steve up there making sure everything is going smoothly! ( no disrespect intended)

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