They may LOOK like BW, but they sure don't work like them. BW has the ability to gather your geolocation. All the ones I have tried require you to enter your location code in them, negating the ability to follow you if you travel from that location (without manually editing the new location into it). We might as well face it, the iPhone is a nice phone, but is SERIOUSLY lacking some ability that the android OS has built in or easily added on at a reasonable price.
You can't compare the 2. Take it from someone who has had both. They are totally different operating systems and products. Things that are great on Droid may not be great or even available on iOS, but the same can be said the other way around. Comparing the 2 will just make you unhappy. Take the product and learn about it without comparison... Only then can you appreciate all of it.
That came out real corny, but it's true lol